View Full Version : Anxiety help/support group?

12-07-12, 20:38
Hi everyone, I am going to my first session at a anxiety help/support group tommorow, I've been told that their will be lots of people there in the same or similar situation to me! I find that both comforting and scary. I just don't really know what to expect or how I will react. I hqvn't been out much since this bout of anxiety and it frightens me that I have to go and be with a room of anxious* people :-(* I'm supposed to go 3 days a week, mon, wed and fri, from 10 am to 3pm! Such a long time. Has anyone else been to one of these groups? If so how did you find it? Thanks guys x

Allison Jayne
13-07-12, 17:50
Hi there, im due to start my group sessions on wednesday next week. im a little aprehensive but what have we got to lose :-) I really hope you had a good time today and it went well for you.

13-07-12, 18:03
Thanks Alison, it went fine I was a bit nervous to start off with but it was such a relaxed atmosphere I soon calmed down. We did coping stratagies, meditation and games, it's 3 days a week and each time we do something different. One of the things I'm really looking forward to is creative art, where you have the use of a huge art room and there's millions of stuff to do! I love that sort of thing and it will help take my mind off things. Another thing they do is a one to one talk with a mental health nurse and there's a phsicologist there to talk to as well as a doctor so all in all it's great, I get my first phone apmt from the mental health team on monday then I should get a date for starting CBT let me know how things go for you hun xx

13-07-12, 22:13
hi im just wondering how did u find the anxiety group did the doctor recommend it or do u find them Ur self?

13-07-12, 23:07
I'm under the crisis team as things got realllly bad for me last week and they run it as part of thier care plan, although i sure it's something your doc could refer you to as well, If not there's others available if you live in the UK have no idea how to go about it if your not but your GP, therapist or local info centre will know, hope this helps, let me know of you manage to find one x