View Full Version : hi im 14 and new heer

12-07-12, 23:09
hi my nams chloe im 14 yeers old but 15 this monh i sufer from bad anzity, depresion and panik ataks i also self harm a lot due to my bad past i had my baby boy 6weeks ago also due to my bad past baby kyle is in the proces of getin put up for adoptin jus now whic is best for him my life is way to mesed up by others includin my mum all i need is under standin carein peepil who mite be com freinds cus i dont hav many of them now peepil juge and thik bad thins bout me cus i had a baby so yung but thry dont no the reel facts i hope i can make frneds heer
can i say sory for my spelin i am dislexick
i hope to com to caht room soon if i am aloewed to

12-07-12, 23:20
Hi chloerose

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-07-12, 23:46
Hi Chloerose.

I think you are really brave coming on here with the problems you have described,when it comes to anxiety and panic attacks your GP really is the first port of call.

When it comes to self harming and other problems you have i really think you probably need a referral to a Phychologist with very specialised knowledge of your situation through your GP.

Lots of Towns have young people's drop in centres we have one where i live do not know what its like where you are, but i do wish you the very best of luck but please do seek help from a professional.Richard

13-07-12, 00:31
your get loads of help here and make friends
god bless and welome

13-07-12, 09:06
Hi chloe, sorry to hear about every thing that is happening in your life but I think you sound very brave. I fell pregnant with my son when I was 15 and had him when I was 16 so I know what its like to have a baby young. If you need to talk feel free to message me xx

13-07-12, 09:13
Hi Chloe, When you have been down to the bottom, the only way is up.

Getting pregnant by mistake can happen to anyone of any age, don't feel guilty because it sounds like you are doing the right thing. You need to concentrate on getting yourself better; and as others suggested, go and see your doctor and tell him how you feel, also tell him about the self harming, he will understand it is a common problem.

13-07-12, 14:30
Good luck chloe,

I think the first port of call should be your GP - who should instigate a referral to the specialist CAMHS service. Try and get him to do it as a urgent referral.


14-07-12, 17:11
Hello chloe :)
I am sorry you are struggling so much. But please don't worry about people judging you on here. We are all struggling and want support and to support one another. I am 17 and have struggled with anxiety depression and have self harmed for years but nmp really helped me. Please message me whenever as we seem to have a lot in common and I want you to have people to turn too xxx

14-07-12, 21:06
aww tha ks for all the nise thins ur all sayin im sure il like it heer a lot im in so mxuh pain jus now its reely awful :weep: feel reely shaky and paniky