View Full Version : Fed up with health anxiety. More concerns.

13-07-12, 14:19
I'm still panicking about DVT or clot.

I keep getting pain in my inner right thigh, groin, and down the left side of my right calf. So it's all in the same leg. Sometimes it's an ache sometimes it's a sharp, shooting pain that comes at random.

Around the area where I get the pains I can see veins sticking out, which stick out more when I exercise or just walk around (probably just because of increased blood flow), but I do not notice this as much on the other leg.

I'm just fed up with worrying about my health all the time. I suffer from sciatica down that leg too so I'm hoping it's just that although I don't know if it seems like it or not. Is it normal for one of your veins to stick out more than any of your others???

I'm seeing doc monday about this. I just want to escape from all this worrying about my health!

13-07-12, 14:57
If it was me I'd take myself off to A&E. Least it will put ur mind at rest x

13-07-12, 17:09
I can't do that. I've been too many times because of my HA and they're fed up with me. Running from it isn't going to make me get over it. I have a doctors appointment on monday so I can speak to my doc then.

13-07-12, 18:35
Ok. Good luck on Monday :-) My hospital is like that with me. They no my name n personal details iv been that many times haha it's sooo embarrassing haha x

14-07-12, 00:33
I recently had the same worries, although i had also been on a long haul flight. I ended up going to a&e who did blood tests and a scan and it was all fine. I got myself so worried though i thought i was going to die. But the doctor said if it really was a clot it would be painful the whole time and it would be difficult to walk on. Obviously after she told me that my leg felt painful!! But it was all in the mind as im ok now! I am sure youre fine, although i completely understand you wanting to get checked out at a&e. Hope it goes well.:)

14-07-12, 17:56
I know exactly how you feel. There was a time a few months ago when I thought I had a blood clot/dvt pretty much 24 hours a day. I would take myself to a+e, they'd do a d-dimer test (i'd request it in the end!), it would be 'ok' (usually very close to the normal limit though, which would make me worse, and Id be back again a couple of days later.

It all came to a head when it DID come back too high, and they admitted me to have the blood thinning injections and a scan of my legs and lungs. A consultant was really annoyed that I was there when he came round, as he said he'd bet his life on it that I didnt have one. I got myself into a right state, kept telling everyone one 'I told you I had one didnt I?' and was being violently sick because of the anxiety.

I had the scans the next day, and I didnt have a dvt/clot.

The d-dimer test can be high for a number of reasons, but I'd got it into my head that because I was convinced I had one, that that was the ONLY reason it would be high.

The Drs then told me I needed to get on with life, to stop worrying about my health (easier said than done when it was THEM who cut my spleen during a routine op and almost killed me back in August).

Ive been trying to focus on not worrying, but it's hard. But the one thing ALL the medics did tell me, was that if you had a clot, you'd KNOW about it!

Good luck,


19-07-12, 00:22
I agree, go and see a doctor. It sounds to me like varicose veins, one of my best friends had that and had all the same symptoms and she was in her 20s. I think you should get checked out then you can stop worrying.

19-07-12, 01:07
Thank you all for your replies. My doctor said he's pretty confident its to do with my back. No mention of vsaricose veins or DVT so I assume that's a good sign!

---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 ----------

My mum also has varicose veins in her leg, behind her knee. My veins look nothing like this, just normal but poke out a bit (could be due to being underweight??).

19-07-12, 01:33
I am glad your doctor was helpful. Sounds like you had a good consultation. I hope you can relax a bit now and start to feel better and stop worrying. Take care x