View Full Version : Extremely tired of this...

13-07-12, 21:19
Hello, so yeah, I need help from people who understand this horrible situation.
I'm 36 and have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since I was a child. Back in 2000, after my grandmother passed I had a horrible panic attack at the post that left me useless for about a year. Taking loads of different medications and pretty much just stayed in my room. Somehow, I managed to get through that period in my life.
Now about three months ago, I had another terrible panic attack at work and since then I've been on a downward spiral. I'm currently not working but the stress of rent, loads of bills, the need to return to work, and life just passing me by is just not helping the hope factor. I find myself even getting nervous watching stressful situations on television. The latest and greatest is a few days ago I had a panic attack while dreaming and now I find myself getting anxious every night, nervous to sleep (one of my favorite things).
Feeling hopeless, anxious and alone. Wish I could remember or do whatever I did back in 2000 because this feeling is just too much.
Any comments would be very much appreciated.

14-07-12, 02:25
Hi so sorry to hear your going through a rough patch...
I have suffered with anxiety/panic etc for over 13 years now (been on meds for about 10) and totally understand how your feeling. I can get anxious watching certain things on tv, I have vivid dreams and often wake in the night feeling panicy and have night sweats :(
I had a blip last year had a massive pa at work (which seemed like it lasted all day) I took time of work, basically I was too scared to go... I was a right mess and so down as I feared i was going to go back to being nearly agoraphobic.
All I can say is it does get better...you just have to be kind to yourself and bit by bit face your fears. Do you have people who can support you? I don't know if you've seen your doctor, they could help you...
Try not to worry about work etc you and your health are more important.
Sending you hugs:hugs:

14-07-12, 23:45
Hello :)
I am really sorry you are feeling like this. I can definetly relate to this as I suffer from depression anxiety panick attacks for about 5 years. And it is the worse thing to go through. Because its so painful for so many reason and it feels like it will never end. I am sorry you are in that placee right now.
I suppose its important to take everything step by step when thinking about bills etc. Maybe by going to work for a few hours to ease yourself back in. As you don't want to get used to nt being in work. I know its hard but people here do understand xxx

15-07-12, 00:45
I'm so sorry that you're feeling so ill hun.
I have suffered from depression, anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia for many years now and I know what it's like to be in the place you're in now.

Don't worry yourself about not being able to work right now, you need to concentrate on your health and well being first...work will come back later when you're feeling stronger, which you will hun:)

I find it easier to just take 1 day at a time...try not to look ahead at the moment just concentrate on the day that you're on, that's all that matters now.

I too cannot handle watching anything stressful on the TV...it sends my anxiety through the roof!!!!...I spend most of the time listening to music and if I do watch TV, I'm normally watching a comedy.

Have you got a radio in your bedroom hun???...I drift off to sleep every night listening to chill out music, just soft easy listening.

I know it's really hard hun, but please don't feel alone, there are loads of us on here who understand exactly what you're going through...it will get better hun so just hang in there and know that we're all here if you need us:)

Sending hugs to you:hugs: