View Full Version : Feeling Fearful!

14-07-12, 12:26
Nothing in particular has happened today but I just feel very fearful... like today could be the day I die :huh:. Even reading that back sounds utterly ridiculous. I woke up this morning feeling fine. I went into town but while I was walking around my right side just felt weird (weak - particulary my leg) and I felt like I was going to pass out. I managed to carry on but when I got home I could feel the pressure in my right eye building up (had this on/off for a few weeks) and when I looked in the mirror I was convinced my right eye was much bigger than my left - there is a definite difference. I also have a pressure on the right side of my head/ear/jaw. PANIC! I really don't feel right. I'm sat here all dolled up ready to go to a wedding but I feel like complete crap. I'm now convinced I'm going to have some kind of anuerysm at some point today - feel so odd! How can anxiety do this!!! :shrug::weep:

14-07-12, 12:57
Hi its awful what anxiety can do to you make you feel like your about to pass out or die but its just anxiety nothing else going to this wedding might take your mind off it its coz your thinkin of it try to ignore it and keep yourself distracted there is nothing worse than feeling like your about to die I get this so know how scared you are it will pass : )

15-07-12, 10:13
Thank you Rach - I've never felt like that before. I can just about cope with that feeling of thinking you're about to pass out because I know I never do.... but that feeling of 'OMG - I'm about to die' - that's new for me!

Anyway, I made it through the wedding and I woke up this morning.... that's always good. For a couple of hours at the wedding I was a nervous wreck, my speech was slurred and I was spaced - that was before the alcohol :wacko:. I don't know when it was but at some point I forgot about it because I was up dancing all night and chatting and being silly with old friends! All of a sudden that strange gait I've had all week seemed to disappear, I don't remember having a headache and I was singing all the lyrics to every song that was played so my speech was fine!

Thing is though - I've woke up this morning and I can feel my headache coming back and I feel a bit dizzy and no - it's not a hangover. I'm so fed up with it. It just won't leave me alone. I keep telling myself that as bad as I felt yesterday I didn't have an anuerysm and I didn't die so it can't be that! When does it end.......:shrug:. xx