View Full Version : Starting a new job in september and scared!

14-07-12, 12:41
Hi Guys,

I have just been appointed a new job as a learning support assistant in a primary school. There were 70 applications and I was the one who got the job so I suppose that's a feat in itself really!

Its going to be working with a visually impaired child one to one in a reception class. Its only part time but I'm worried about it already. I've never had a job in a school before, only voluntary and my other work has been retail based...Also working with a visually impaired pupils is going to be a challenge too!
Can anyone offer any advice?

15-07-12, 02:19
Congrats on getting the job!

I work in a restaurant and remember my first day - I was terrified. It's very easy to be scared of something so huge, and suffering from anxiety will just make it worse. Be confident; there's a reason you got this job- you earned it!

As far as on-the-job advice, be patient. If the job is part-time, I'm assuming that you are working under the full-time teacher? If so, don't be afraid to ask questions. Better safe than sorry. My mother is a special education teacher and she says the biggest fault she finds in new employees is that they are often overconfident to the point of being cocky, and believe that they know everything. Teachers will be happy to answer questions and explain things to you if you need it, and they will be elated to share their experience and knowledge. I'm sure the child is wonderful and after living with a visual impairment is already very steady in how to function in the world, so you may be surprised.

Good luck!

15-07-12, 02:36
I'm currently in a way working 1 to 1 with our new apprentice and I don't want to sou d to harsh but at the minute he's doing my head in but I'm sure I'll get through it .

All I can say is pretend like you've been doing the job for years and it's just another day at the office and you will be fine think of it as a goal that you must complete everyday

15-07-12, 11:48
Well done on getting the job! I was going to post a very similar thing as I am also starting a new job in a school in Sept and am worried about my anxiety and panic.

Sometimes in the past I have found that being at work is actually better than not being. I am much more distracted and can absorb myself in what I'm doing. The social interaction is very good, even though it may feel very stressful. You are obviously the person they want and they think you can do the best job with this pupil, so you have all the skills they need.

Good luck - remember it is also normal to be very anxious before starting a new job. Most people who don't struggle with anxiety/panic would be anxious too. x

15-07-12, 18:18
To GirlAfraid.
First of all, well done - you must have done some great work in the interview to get the job and this proves you can perform when required. I went back to work in December last year after a long break. I too must have done good interviews to get the job, and I too was anxious about starting it. On the first few days I was very self-conscious, but I kept relatively quiet and got on with it. The days passed quickly and the anxiety eased. Just as Frenchbean said, working again is a good distraction. Sometimes I even forgot that I was poorly, I was so absorbed in the work!
Also as Frenchbean says, it is normal for everyone to feel anxious about a new job, whatever their health.
I do hope that it works out well for you.

15-07-12, 19:18
You sound very motivated and caring, I know you will be fine, after a while your anxiety will go away.

Good luck

16-07-12, 11:17
Congrats on the new job! It sounds like a great opportunity. I'm currently in my first morning in a new job, which has come right in the middle of one of my anxiety episodes so not ideal! You might feel worried on the day, i was a wreck this morning, but trust me you will be fine and you will get through it. I've calmed down a lot as the morning has gone on and I know that I'll have a great feeling of accomplishment when I leave tonight.