View Full Version : Trembling in head after change of meds

14-07-12, 17:11
I don't know if anyone has experienced this but I have started getting a trembling feeling inside my head and body. I have been on citalopram for 7 months which wasn't doing the trick for my anxiety and depression, so the doc did a straight overnight swap to escitalopram. This was 8 days ago. Could it be the change in meds or is my depression getting worse? I am really frightened of the feeling and think it is a sign that I am finally going to lose my mind. Any advice?

14-07-12, 17:19
You are not losing your mind, its probably the change in meds.

14-07-12, 17:28
Even though it feels like my brain is shaking? How long can these things last?

14-07-12, 18:08
I sounds like wthdrawal from the Citalopram and temporary side effects from Escitalopram. I don't think most GP's would have stopped the Citalopram without tapering off. I would say, if it is no better by Monday, go back to your GP and tell him your symptoms.

I hope you start to feel better.