View Full Version : Living with mild depression

14-07-12, 17:26
While I try to carry on living day to day the best I can with my anxiety, I think that I have been living with mild depression for years now. I am so used to it now that its become normal to me. I only get very brief respite from it but even then its because I am daydreaming about what my life might be like should I ever get through this.

I just wondered if anyone else can relate to this?

14-07-12, 18:12
I get sporadic depression theharvestmouse, mostly through the winter, when I don't even open the curtains in my house, unless my Mum comes around and has a go at me.

On this subject, I think you were involved in another thread, something about vitamin D from the sun. Well, I have purchased a S.A.D light and used it for the first time today, I will report back at the end of the week with my findings.

14-07-12, 23:40
Hello harvestmouse :)
I'm sorry you're struggle and yes I can relate. I have struggled with depression for years and I always feel so low and have any motivation to do anything. I believe it can get better in time and with determination however its hard to feel this way all the time but I guess that's why we are luckky to have people on nmp xxx

15-07-12, 18:20
Thanks for the replies, BD sorry to hear you suffer from S.A.D, must be hard especially in Britain where even our summers are not really sunny.

R Barratt, I can really relate to the lack of motivation, I really am struggling at the moment, I only go to work because of the money to pay the bills. But as for anything else, I feel so low at the moment that everything seems pointless.

21-07-12, 01:10
hi, ive had postnatal depression for 2 years..i isolated myself, had only my partner to turn to. I lost contact with my friends and also forgot how to socialise...even popping into town became such a hard task as I would have bad anxiety!
now I am slowly getting somewhere as I have made a few friends through a confidence course I attended and it has given me the confidence to apply to college!!
I have my up days & I have down days, but I just plod along & hopefully I am on the right track now & can concentrate more on bonding with my child!
I wish you all the very best, stay strong!
p.s sorry for going on. x

21-07-12, 01:34

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this at the moment.

I know exactly what it's like to live with depression and also how it can make you feel. It's an awful situation to be in, however, there are ways that you can get through it.

I suggest either a diary, medication or therapy. It may make you feel better.

If you need to talk to anyone then give me a shout and I'll be happy to help.

All the best,

21-07-12, 21:21
Thanks for the replies, I'm going through a bad time, I have a social event next week that I am dreading and its making me anxious and feeling depressed. I have to get through it and when I get back I'm going to see my GP and get help. Its a shame because a few months ago I was making great progress but I just stopped. I revert back to my normal negative and depressive state which like I said in my original post I am so used to now.