View Full Version : Hi... from another panic attack victim!

14-07-12, 21:03
Hello everyone!

I'm so happy to have found this place - some excellent info and advice around.

I am suffering severe anxiety and frequent full blown panic attacks and am trying to formulate a coping strategy, so far with mixed results.

Briefly, I was diagnosed last year with cardiac arrythmea issues, but thankfully these appear to be much improved (still under a specialist consultant). Then early this year I was flung into the horrific world of anxiety and panic.. I travel overseas a lot with work, and one morning whilst being driven to the airport to head home, I had the most frightening experience ever. I now know this to have been a panic attack, but at the time was convinced that I was about to die!

Since that, my symptoms just got worse.. severe shaking down the arms, feeling like death was just around the corner, severe dizzy spells, brain fog, vision unclear... I visited the doctors both overseas and in the UK, and the medical checks (including blood tests) were all fine... what the heck??!!

Work was becoming almost impossible, and I had to leave and just lie down most of the time. However, one doctor put me onto herbal medication (Valerian based) and things improved for a while. He also suggested that there is a high likelihood that the anxiety has been building up for some time and could have been responsible for my heart rhythm issues, which seems to add up.

But after a week or two, I was back to the dreadful attacks and the shaking, and particularly severe stomach twitching/jumping, sometimes going on for days.

Last week I tried out hypnotherapy (using downloaded mp3 sessions) and these so far are proving to be the most effective for me - my general state is now much calmer, BUT I have experienced three really severe attacks in that time, all when at work. Today I was very close to passing out, and all I was doing was talking informally with a colleague!!!!?? I am too embarassed to tell him my issues, I just had to make a quick excuse to "run to the loo" in order to try and pull myself round, which actually took me a long time. This thing is HORRIBLE!!! He must have thought that I was so rude, and I feel awful for being so weird!

My wife has been an absolute treasure, very helpful and understanding in all of this. But when I am away I feel so alone and in fact secretive, it just makes me want to cry.. which I do quite often!

I hope that I can find some friends here to share experiences and possible way forwards with!

Again, good to be here.


14-07-12, 21:12
Sorry to hear you've had these awful panic attacks i have been suffering for 2 years myself, it does get better i am on anti depressants at the moment and they help me to carry on day to day without attacks. it is a lonely thing though you are right. it helps to come on here and talk to other sufferers. hope you are ok?

14-07-12, 21:13
Hi 24track

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-07-12, 21:24
I am so sorry that your attacks are so severe:weep:
I have been in your situation and yes you are right, he probably thought you were being rude, unfortunately you had no other choice, if you like the chap, it may be worth giving him an explanation. I find that most people I have told about my panic attacks have been understanding, some emabarrassed! But it is a relief not having to bottle it all up inside.

14-07-12, 22:00
I can completely understand where you are coming from. I had some of my worst panic attacks at work, whilst trying to carry on as normal, trying to hide how dreadfull I felt all day everyday. It all got too much for me and I am off at the moment. All my colleagues are aware now and have been very supportive. Looking back I must have been a nightmare to work with for months :D


15-07-12, 23:21
hello :)
Welcome to nmp :) xxx