View Full Version : help newbie am I going mad!!!

18-07-06, 15:37
Hello and firstly let me say what a great site this is!!

Well dont know wether I am suffering from anxiety or really am dying of MS / Brain Tumour / HIV / CJD?????? Cant think which one it is today!
Anyway my "symptoms" started about 5 months ago ( both my mother and sister have experienced anxiety before and ok now) generally feeling unwell, dizzy, unable to eat etc.....My job is quite stressful and recently have been noticing some more serious symotoms...chest pains diarrheoa at times and tiredness.
I have also been experiencing tingling in my left hand and left foot.... this sometimes I can put down to lying funny at night...
What I wanted to ask you is does anybody have a slow heart rate rather that a fast one during a "panic attack".....on occassions to what I think is having a panic attack my pulse slows right down to about 48.....being a nurse this frightens me!!!!! This happened 1am today ....I woke up and my hand had gone numb ( prob from lying on it) which sent me thnkin i was havin a stroke!..started sweatin thinkin i am gonna die in bed

I am normallya very busy person and lacking energy lately bothers me.I have been to doctors......waste of time....bloods taken ...nil.
he says if i want time off work come back...itsnot that i want time off .....i want to be better!!!

sorry bout the long post but does anyone else feel like this or am i a loonie! thanks in advance

18-07-06, 16:02
Hi Tiger,

A big warm welcome to you. We are all here to help each other and we are not alone in this big anxiety world.

Take Care


18-07-06, 16:10
Hi Tiger,

Have a good look round the site mate, especially at the help pages and hopefully you will find much to reassure you.

If your doctor has seen you and put it down to anxiety then obviously you will need to find a handle on how to manage it. Knowing it is anxiety means you are half way there.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

marie ross
18-07-06, 17:39
Hi Tiger,

Welcome to the forum you will find a lot of help in here.

I can relate to the heartbeat, mines either racing or it slows right down and i think its just going to stop, which makes me panic even more!!!!!!!! Arrgghhhhhh!

Take care.

Marie XXX

polly daydream
18-07-06, 17:42
Hi Tiger and welcome to the forum. I can't say as I've ever had a slow pulse rate whilst having a panic attack, only a very fast one but with anxiety I suppose anything is possible.

Best wishes,


18-07-06, 17:48
Hi Tiger and welcome. It really sounds like you have anxiety symptoms, i have fast heart rate during panic attacks. As Piglet has said there is lots of info on this site that can help you understand anxiety and help you find a way of dealing with it.

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-07-06, 17:55
hi tiger

it is less common to have the slow heart rate but it happens some of the time and is harmless im told

have you ever read claire weekes book " self help for your nerves". this might explain alot of how you feel

take care


18-07-06, 18:55

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

Will Loynes
18-07-06, 19:12
Hi there,
this in an anxious world we live in, but welcome to the anxious community.
Im sure you will meet people who have similar experiences and can share their ideas with you!!
Hope the heat isnt too much.


Will [8D]

18-07-06, 19:41
welcome to NMP

Take care



18-07-06, 21:18
Hi Tiger and welcome tot he forum
love Helen

19-07-06, 11:03
hi tiger.

this forum is great proof that we are all in the same boat, and its all in our heads. iv only had anxiety for 3 months, but i am getting on top of it now, and pains and aches dont worry me as much as they used to. i dont have a racey heart either when im anxious.

Believe me you will be fine in time, but only you can deal with the issues, as they are all crated in our own minds, and nothing else.

I have had tablets from my docs, but only had 2 in 3 months, as im reluctant to use them to deal with the problems, but it is nice to know that i have them just in case im having a bad day.

have a good read around here, and try not to look up symptoms or answers in search engines as they will bring up allsorts of rubbish and worry you even more.

Take a minute to blatently see that lots of other people are in the exact same boat, and realise that you dont have to worry, and that you are capable of getting on top of things, which you are!

good luck, and let us know when your over it and feeling great! :)

19-07-06, 13:02
thanks all....just roamin around thye site and found useful info and stuff i can relate to......feeling beta today brain tumour has gone hahaha

How long on average do you start to 'get back to normal' i have had this feeling now for 5 months....although sometimes it is worse than others when i fret ive got some illness, but i want to be back to normal soon!!!!!
Do tablets from the doc help?
Are any off u off from work because of it......Ive recently gone part time because of this and although im on hols now I fret when ive got to go to work because of the sheer pressure there and responsibility.

anyway cheers folks x x x

19-07-06, 15:15
I had an attack last week where my heart rate slowed right down and everything seemed surreal. It is scary but I have had it quite a lot and I think it is just another form of panic.
I am on medication (4 weeks now) and just starting to feel a bit more like my old self. It's well worth persuing to get you back on track.

take care.


19-07-06, 20:21
Hi tigertiger,

One good thing you can do is to find as much information as you can about the subject, there is plenty of it in internet, take what you think it will help you and discard the rest, but being well informed is really important, here is a good reading about Anxiety (http://www.anxietycure.blogspot.com/), hope this helps.

"No matter where you go, you'll still be there" Confucious.

19-07-06, 20:46

I'm new on this forum... I had a panic attack a month ago... I was taken to the emergency room and hospitalised for a week. Doctors believed that i had a stroke... but my body was ok on medical screening... Finally, the psihiatrist said that is about anxiety and panic disorder... Since then, my last four weeks were bad, i mean really bad... I could not get out of house or stay alone any longer... I used to be a very energic person and now i'm afraid more than a rabbit... I'm taking aprazolam since 4 days and Magnesium... Feeling little better, but not "normal", like before the attack... Will i ever recover? When and how? I pray to God that one day i'll be myself again... Thanks for being here, all of you!

19-07-06, 21:08
Hi Tiger

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here

Hope we can be of some help.


19-07-06, 21:40
Hi Tiger,

Hope you're feeling better today. On slow heartbeats Claire Weekes had this to say, "It may be that instead of beating too quickly, your heart occassionally beats too slowly for comfort and you have attacks of faintness, when you are sure it is about to stop altogether. ...This is called a vasovagal attack and is caused by overstimulation of the parasympathetic nerve, the vagus. ...the vagus hold hte adrenalin releasing nerves in check. In these attacks they check too severely and heart slows to an uncomfortable rate. ...Remember the attack is also the result of too much nervous stimulation. Your heart is not diseased. The attack does not harm your heart. As you worry less, sustanined tension lessens ad the attacks graduallyleave you. Even after apparent recovery, you may occassionally have one. But they are not harmful in the least."

Hope this helps!

19-07-06, 21:44
Hi ema75,

Everyone is different as to recovery but I know that anxiety disorders have a very high recovery rate which I'm told is rare among mental disorders. It feels awful right now but if you persevere through your therapy you will get better. Though there will be days when that is very hard to believe.

23-08-06, 21:49
hi.....im feeling much better this week.....just hope it lasts! been taking st johns wort & multi vits for 3 weeks so must be doing something. Thanks to you all on these forums it really has been a great help to me. xxx

24-08-06, 09:09
I have a low heart rate and it varies from 48-53, but I have not correlated it with anxiety


24-08-06, 09:50
Hi Tiger and Ema and welcome![^]

I'm pretty new to this forum myself but an old hand at anxiety and panic attacks. I am in recovery now (6 months), so there is hope for everybody. It can be overcome. You can get better.

I just want to say IMO:

1. You are not mad or going mad.

2. You are not mentally ill.

3. You will not die from anxiety or a panic attack. It just feels like it.

4. Something out there will be right for you.

Take care and keep looking!


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

01-01-08, 22:06
Hello, i'm new here too, i also feel alot of the symptoms you describe and my heart rate is either racing or slow nothing in between! xxx

02-01-08, 00:20
Hi Tiger,

Welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of support and advice on the Site.
A common theme among members seems to be dissatisfaction with G.P.s. Don't be afraid to change yours.Find one who is empathetic to or has interest in Anxiety issues.
Many of the solutions to our problems lie in our hands so it's important that you back this up with a strong support system-including a good G.P..
Don't settle for second best-you deserve better.
Best wishes,

03-01-08, 00:15
This is an old post - hope all worked out.


26-06-08, 11:01
hi tiger,

:welcome: your not a loonie at all and I know what your going through, have been having the same thoughts as you convinced myself I've got something else wrong with me. Have now been put on antidepressants and awaiting an appointment to start CBT. I find I have my worst anxiety and panic attacks at night and first thing in the morning haven't had a good nights sleep in I dont know how long.

Go back to your GP or go and see another one in the practice that might be willing to help. Don't suffer when your feeling like that you need to know that someone is listening to you.

You take care :)


milly jones
26-06-08, 12:17
hi hun

ure not a loony, well only as much as i am lol

welcome to nmp

milly xx :winks:

27-06-08, 14:20
I have a low heart rate and it varies from 48-53, but I have not correlated it with anxiety


Up until 13 weeks ago, my heart rate was around 42-44 and I had no anxiety at all. I did plenty of rough sport, but then broke my ankle, and doctor banned me from doing the rough stuff. Since then I have felt myself go down hill. At this present moment in time I don't know how much further down is possible. Heart rate still never gets much above 48 ish even during extreme anxiety but I do become very cold and nauseous.