View Full Version : exepting

15-07-12, 14:23
hi im really strugling with exepting anxiety dont know wat to say to myself or wat to do while im really anxuios ive had it for a rew years now and i i think im keeping the anxierty going because i just dont know how it exept it. imhaving cbt at the moment but the coucilor doesnt seem to help me. all she tells me is ive got gad health anxiety panic disorder. i know i have fears of bieng dizzy and death but all she says is we are all going to die one dayand that when it happens i wont know cause ill be dead ( which i all ready know im not that silly )and i just have to stop woring about it easier said than done thoand as for the dizzyness phobia she doesnt say anthing i just dont seem to be getting any help from her or is she right and and that its me that doesnt get it

15-07-12, 15:26
Doesn't sound like the most helpful advice! Sounds like advice from someone who has never been in the situation and has little experience of it really. Have you got any anxiety books because they are usually written by people who have suffered from the illness and understand it very well!

I think some of the main ways to accept anxiety are asking yourself if any of your symptoms have actually hurt you? If they were something more serious than anxiety especially a worst case scenario like people with anxiety tend to assume we would not be as healthy as we are after a "couple of years" suffering with it! It would have either made us very ill or killed us off! The fact you are still here and healthy shows to me it is anxiety and that is a fact you need to remind yourself of all the time. I think other than that it depends on the symptoms you have and being able to understand how anxiety causes them. Then realising they are actually not getting any worse again shows it is not a serious illness and it is a mental block rather than aything else! Maybe tell your doctor though that the advice you are getting has not really been helpful.

Good luck tricia!

15-07-12, 15:36
I would try and accept what she is telling you about the Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder, she is a trained professional. However, I can't understand the bit about her telling you to stop worrying, because if you could stop worrying you would not have gone to see her in the first place. I would try and implement the ideas that she has given to you though, they may help you to deal with your anxiety in the future when you are no longer seeing her.

I was really lucky when I had CBT, I got on well with the Psychologist, maybe there is a clash of personalities.

Good luck...............

15-07-12, 18:43
If your not happy with your counsellor, i'd suggest you get a different one.

I don't mean that in a rude or disrespectful way, rather that YOU need to be comfortable with her/him so you can 'open up' and really let them help you.