View Full Version : This cough is freaking me

15-07-12, 15:05
I posted a few days ago to say I had come down with a bug that is going around here that gives the most dreadful cough and cold. Loads of people who have exisiting chest problems here have chest infections and are on antibtioics.

I can breathe a bit easier today but I have the cough from hell- its the worst manic tickle in the throat that I have ever had and if I start coughing I go so faint and am almost sick with it. I am having one of these coughing fits about every half hour.

I am going to Drs tomorrow to check I have not got chest infection but just wanted a moan as the coughing fits are scary as I think I am going to pass out or be sick.

15-07-12, 20:13
Hi again

If the cough is tickly, a 'dry cough' medicine usually stops it, at least it may give you some relief overnight. A bit late now on a Sunday evening to get some I know, but I think petrol stations usually sell them.

I hope you get on ok at the Dr's.
