View Full Version : Ongoing Anxiety and Panic

15-07-12, 17:18
Since a serious traffic accident over a year ago I am still having anxiety and panic attacks. Some days are better then others but overall I feel that I am not improving. I have had some sessions of CBT but although these were helpful at the time I feel like I should be having constant 1 to 1 therapy. I am on medication, mirtazipine and diazapam and hopefully these are helping. I hate being alone, cannot go into large shops, I feel groggy and nauseous every morning.

15-07-12, 17:25
I am sorry that things are so bad for you at the moment Wintiffy, it sound like you are going through a very long rough patch!
I agree with you about the 1 to 1 therapy, I could do with it myself - in another lifetime! I hope you get lots of support here at NMP, you will soon begin to realise that you are not alone anymore.:D