View Full Version : Hi All

15-07-12, 19:13
Hi all, this is my first time on this forum so here goes.
I'm a 42 year old man who has experienced panic attacks for 21 years now. They have severely restricted my life in many areas (Jobs, Relationships, Socialising etc). I'm agoraphobic/social phobic but I'm working towards getting myself better. At their worst I'm panicking inside the house for months on end unable to cope. I haven't been more than 7 miles away from my home in the past 21 years. So much of my life has passed me by, living in fear. I've been on ciprimil for ten years now and they help. I've had 6 sessions with a cbt counsellor 3 months ago and this Tuesday I begin a further program with a High Intensity Therapist. Don't know what to expect but I can't wait, this is a wonderful opportunity to put this behind me and move on. Well that's it for now, I'll post again soon. Thanks for reading, Steve.

15-07-12, 19:26
Hi steg

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-07-12, 19:50
Well done Steve, It must of taken a lot of courage to seek help after so many years of suffering alone. I do hope that this is a new and better chapter in life for you.

15-07-12, 22:07
Hi Steve & :welcome:

Im waiting to start CBT. Im hoping its going to help. You sound very positive which is great after suffering for so long. Hope it all goes well for you.

Jon :)

Vanilla Sky
15-07-12, 22:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

15-07-12, 22:51
Hi steg
welcome to nmp
I have had panic attacks and agarophobia for over 20 years. I got no help from the doc. He did offer me meds, but I refused cos at that time I had young children and was scared I would be like a zombie. And over the years I have develped a sort of phobia about taking meds.

In the past two years however, I have had cbt help from an occupational therapist who has 'taken' me on outings and I now can travel 15 miles relatively easily without meds and 30 miles by train with valium.

I never thought Id get better. I do believe that meds are not the answer for me. although I do take valium when I am extremely panicing or facing a new task with the OT.

So just to say, There is light at the end of OUR tunnel. Each time I ventured further from home or tackled a new experience it was VERY DIFFICULT, but repeating it with the OT eased the panic.

I also found that doing the 'therapy with the OT rather than family was much more productive.

I wish you well with your journey. insist on help from the mental health team, they are the experts. They have programmes of help specifically for your problem and have the time. not like GPs

good luck xxxx

15-07-12, 23:13
Hello steve and welcome to nmp :)
I hope in time you won't have to live in fear anymore :) xxx

16-07-12, 18:37
Thank you all for your swift and kind messages of support. I see my High Intensity Therapist tomorrow morning and I'm really looking forward to it. Of course there is part of me which is frightened because I know this means I will be placed in positions where I have to face my demons and have panic attacks. Yet, whilst I've been waiting I've been slowly working towards exposure by myself. I've put myself in positions where i,ve felt anxious and had panic attacks. Sometimes I've left those situations but more often than not I've stuck them out until the panic subsides. It's a painfully slow process doing this by oneself but progress has been made. I am trying to learn to love my panics and not fear them, accept them and not avoid them. It's difficult but every day I try. The way I want to use this site, in order to make a full recovery, is to keep a detailed diary of my efforts to overcome my panic attacks/travel/social phobia/agoraphobia. In my diary I will record situations, feelings, bodily responses and time them. I will record my feelings before the situation, during and after. I believe this will help.
Anyway I'd better go for now, speak again soon. Onwards and upwards.