View Full Version : PVCS really anxious thinking of going to a and e

15-07-12, 20:34
Hi there I keep on getting what I think are pvcs I have 5 in a row in a variety of situations over the last few days and I am getting tired all the time and breathlesss. I saw cardiologist last year who said I have AF and I was put on the highest dose of betablocker I had an echocardiogram and that was ok last septemeber, but could things have changed in 9 months. I feel like lying in bed for 3 days next week and doing nothing to see if that would help. But I am convinced that I am dying and that these missed beats are the sign of a fatal arrythmia or a heart attack to come. I dont know if it is a coincidence but it always seems to be worse after chocolate. I am going to stop eating chocolate tomorrow and see if that helps but I was quite happy and relaxed tonight but now I am very anxious. Surely the fact that I am on the highest dose of bisoporol would help and stop these annoying pvcs but what if they are something worse. It has been half an hour since I had 5 in a row I dont know if that is good sign meaning that they would be bad if they were like every minute, I was thinking of going to a and e

15-07-12, 20:38
Hi what are pvcs ? x

15-07-12, 20:41
skipped heart beats

---------- Post added at 20:41 ---------- Previous post was at 20:40 ----------

it stands for premature ventricular contractions

15-07-12, 20:43
Oh i see, i get those often but you are right they can be after certain foods. My father has them loads especially after cheese or wine, i havent worked out which foods set mine off but definitely sweet things.
They seem to stop after 5 or 6 episodes and vanish for a while, im sure they are not important when looking at the heart as a problem. My doctor wasnt concerned at all x

15-07-12, 22:37
I have actually lay there one night and had 11 one after one. They are very frightening but most of all annoying. I had a 24hr ecg and they picked up that I had 500 of them. I no that everybody gets them. Not just us anxciety suffers everybody. It's just unlucky that us anxciety sufferers are more aware of our hearts so we feel them alot more. I no I'm abit late in replying but personally if it was me and you have had heart problems then yes I'd go. Keep us updated. Big hugs. Ur not alone u no xxxxx