View Full Version : Hi, it's time for me to finally post!

15-07-12, 20:43
Hi all,

I'm 22 and live in Newcastle.

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for quite a few years now.

About 5 weeks ago my Mam had a brain haemorrhage, she has been unbelievably lucky just to survive but even more so in that she is now home and has no serious lasting effects.

Despite the happy ending to these events, it has really taken it's toll on me and has lead to a massive increase in the severity and frequency of my panic attacks and general feelings of anxiousness. I haven't been sleeping well either.

I'm not shy about visiting my doctor and I've been to see her a couple of times over the last couple of weeks regarding my anxiety. The first time I went we decided together that I should give counselling a try, my assessment appointment is on 26th July.

About a week after my first visit to the doctor, I had the worst panic attack I have ever experienced, I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack (trouble breathing, chest pain, tightness in chest, pain between shoulder blades, sweating) and called NHS direct, they managed to calm me down but told me to go to the doctors the following day just to make sure, which I did. She scheduled me in for an ECG due to my Dad having had heart problems at a young age (which it tomorrow morning) and also while I was there prescribed Propranolol for me to take over the next couple of weeks until my counselling begins. She also referred me for a CT scan as there is a possibility the cause of my Mam's brain haemorrhage (aneurysm) is hereditary so both my sister and I need to be checked. It was a very productive visit to the doctor to say the least!

At the first doctors appointment I mentioned a pain which had begun behind my knee that morning and had been niggling at me all day, travelling down in to my calf a little. She took a look at my leg and told me I had nothing to worry about. At the second appointment I mentioned it again as this time it had progressed to a twitching/crawling feeling in the right side of my calf. She took a look at it again and told me she thought it was anxiety induced. I still have it now a week and a half later and I'm convinced it is ALS but I'll pester the health anxiety thread about that!

So there you have it. I feel anxious literally all the time the moment and I'm very aware it is taking over my life, I just want to feel happy and carefree!

Looking forward to getting to know people on here.

Lots of love xx :)

15-07-12, 20:55
Hi bellina

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-07-12, 20:56
Hi Bellina,

Glad to hear your Mum is doing well. My anxiety started after my Dad fell ill last year and your story is very similar to what I went through.
I thought I would never get better, but with effort and time you will get through it.

15-07-12, 21:44
Hi Bellina & :welcome:

Firstly thats really good news about your Mum, it must have been awful for you at the time, but she has come through it. My dad had a stroke 5 years ago which has left him without speech but otherwise he does well. That is when my anxiety started, shortly after that my Mum wasnt well and I had to sell my house due to financial presures all which added to it. I have kind of muddled through with anxiety since really but at Christmas my grandad became ill, and my aunty was diagnosed with cancer. My grandad died in April but luckily my Aunty is doing really well. This along with other stuff, has really taken it toll on me.

I started with the pains my chest, dizziness, palpitations, sweating, you name it, I had it. I knew deep down what was causing it but it was far worse than i had experienced before and at times I thought I was having a heart attack. This has become an all day everyday thing for me now, Im off work now because I felt worse there and it got the point where I just could not cope with it anymore and I barely leave the house at the moment.

My GP gave me propranolol and Ive also been on Citalopram for 2 weeks. Ive also been referred for CBT and had my initial screening appointment last Friday. Im on the waiting list now.

So I know how you feel and what you have been, and are going through.

If you ever want a chat, feel free to message me.
Take Care
Jon :)

Vanilla Sky
15-07-12, 22:15
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

15-07-12, 23:14
Hello :)
Welcome to nmp xxx

16-07-12, 13:27
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm hoping to overcome this and return to a normal, happy, somewhat carefree person!

Jon, how are you finding the Propranolol? Today is my second day taking it, I put it off for a few days as I was scared!


16-07-12, 15:44
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I'm hoping to overcome this and return to a normal, happy, somewhat carefree person!

Jon, how are you finding the Propranolol? Today is my second day taking it, I put it off for a few days as I was scared!


Hi Bellina

I have been taking it for 5 weeks now and it does really help me with the physical symptoms of anxiety. I am not great at taking medication, I would sit with a headache rather than take a paracetomol. But needs must. The first couple of days I felt a bit off but I think that was more down to me being anxious about taking the tablet, rather than side effects. I take citalopram as well, been taking that for just over 2 weeks. That is taking some getting used to, but nothing too scary.

Just give it a go and give it chance to work for you. I just say to myself I cant feel any worse than I already do and its going to help and it has :)

Let me know how you get on

16-07-12, 16:36
Hi Bellina,

Sorry to hear about your mum, but it's great that she's made a full recovery. Hope she continues to do well.

I wanted to reply to you because you mention the 'crawling' and 'twitching' feeling on the back of your leg. Crawling/twitching feelings and numbness in one body part or another has always been a major symptom of mine when I'm stressed. The back of my leg is quite common, feeling like something crawling up my arm is another. Sometimes my toe twitches madly! But the worst one is constantly feeling that something is creeping up the side of my face! It sounds so silly to people who haven't had it, but it's so upsetting.

Really know how you feel, but it honestly can just be down to anxiety and probably isn't anything to worry about. Glad you seem to have such a great doctor who is prepared to do stuff for you. Hope things pick up soon. :)

16-07-12, 21:59
Hey Honeybundle, thanks for the kind words about my Mam. I know what you mean about people not understanding, I find that is the case with anxiety and panic in general, so many people just don't get it do they?!

The twitch has been constant in my leg for almost two weeks now, very concerning. I went for my ECG this morning (it was looking good) and they took my bloods while I was there so hopefully I just have some sort of deficiency!

Jon, I'm the same, I really don't like to take even pain killers! Today was day 2 and I'm not really noticing the effects, how long did yours take to start working? I was under the impression it was all but instant!

I hope you've all had good days!

16-07-12, 22:24
Yeah, they did start to work more or less straight away. How much do you take? I was precscribed upto 30mg 3 times a day. I dont take that much though. I normally take 10/20 mg 3 times a day, it depends how I feel. They only deal with the physical symptoms of anxiety though, which is great, but I felt like although the physical symptoms were under control, it was all still there in my head bursting to get out. I told my GP this and she didnt seem suprised and prescribed Citalopram and referred me for CBT.

They do tend to wear off as well, I always know when Im ready to take another dose.
