View Full Version : So Worried not sure what to do :(

15-07-12, 21:38
Im feeling very worried at the moment as i woke up for the past few days with severe muscular pains in my right arm where i couldnt lift it up properly as well as a severe pain in my lower left head in the bone and a feeling like i couldnt turn my neck properly. :(

about two weeks ago i was told i had a low vitamin D of 26 where the minimum average is 50 and over so i was put on dekrisol 20,000 unit. i took them and finished them friday and then was told i should get a vitamin d supplement from chemist so i started this friday but im so scared i might have something like meningitis. :(

15-07-12, 22:30
Do u have a rash? Can u put ur chin down to ur chest? And also can u look directly at a light bulb? X

15-07-12, 22:39
Hi hun,

As I said in the PM, try not to worry but make sure you go to the doctors tomorrow and explain your symptoms. You have had a lot of stress and upset recently and this could be contributing to how you are feeling. Best to tell the doctor though and put your mind at rest.

Kitti :) x