View Full Version : Fear of HPV

16-07-12, 03:52
I'm not new to this forum but my HA has been acting up lately and I reallyy need someone to help me figure myself out. I have a fear of HPV currently due to unprotected sex (1 time, very short duration) with an ex a few months ago- he has been with more people than me (around 20ish) which is why i'm so worried! He was tested before dating me for STDs which came out all negative but apparently that doesn't test for HPV. I also had protected sex with two other guys 3 years before. Now I'm hearing HPV can be contracted orally as well which is making me feel wayyy worse. I just don't know what to do. Sometimes I worry about this and am able to let it go - but not now. I haven't noticed any out of the ordinary symptoms thankfully but HPV can be silent apparently. I want to get a pap smear but i have never had one done before. Should I be worried about the pap smear and is there is a strong possibilty that I could have HPV? Is there an STD test I could take that would cover all of the bases including HPV? I just don't want to die young and get cervical or throat cancer!!

Edit: Looking back three years ago, I had posted about this same exact fear except now I have a real worry - unprotected sex with someone who's been with a lot of girls. One of the posters from that old post told me that I shouldn't repeat the same mistake. Wow, that really hit me hard. I cannot believe myself sometimes - Why didn't I learn?? I feel so stupid.

16-07-12, 19:44
First of all, don't beat yourself up over repeating a mistake - there is not a person in the world who has not done that in one way or another! :)

Since your exposure was a few months ago, all tests are now likely to be conclusive, so go to your local Sexual Health clinic (I see you're in the States, I imagine you have Yellow Pages the same as we do in the UK). Tell them exactly what worries you and ask for all relevant tests. You will be reassured and can put all this worry behind you. Best wishes from Annie

16-07-12, 21:05
Thanks so much for the reply!

I can't really help but beat myself up for it because it was just stupid and I knew of the consequences but chose to ignore them. Does that have to do with anxiety? like I can't let go of the past?

You're right about getting things checked out - should I see a gyno rather than go to a clinic? Is a pap smear probably necessary?

16-07-12, 21:43
It does make sense healthwise to practise safe sex, so once you have got this present worry sorted, you will probably not want to return to a similar situation, which will help you make better choices. I think we always worry more when the worry is caused by "something we have done and could have avoided" rather than some random illness that we have no control over. It's the 'if only I hadn't done x, w or z, then I would be OK now" syndrome - it's hard to get out of your head.

Anyway, your present worry will be quickly and easily sorted once you seek help. If you have access to a gynaecologist appointment, that would be a good place to start, both to discuss what you worry about now and get any relevant tests scheduled, including a Pap smear if appropiate. He or she will also be able to give you advice on how to to stay safe in the future. Best wishes for a speedy resolution, Annie :hugs:

17-07-12, 04:05
It really does make sense to have been safer considering I have HA, but I was rather drunk when it happened - not an excuse though. It happens to a lot of people and I keep telling myself that.

I really hope this will all sort out so I can stop with the worrying. I just want the all clear but I also don't want anything coming back to bite me in the far off future either. Maybe I need to think in the now and not for tomorrow.

Thanks again for your help!

17-07-12, 08:45
Even if you do have hpv its not the end of the world i have suffered with it for a few months and most strains of the virus are completely harmless and will disappear with treatment which in my case it has not so might have to get them surgically removed but anyway in most cases the aldara cream or the freezing they do down at the office will clear it up . . . . . Please do not listen to people linking hpv to cancer it is absolute rubbish my doctor explained it quite well . . . . Still agree with the other 2 comments just get yourself checked out it is the best and only way really :)

17-07-12, 17:27
I don't have anything to be frozen off thankfully - I'm just worried about the asymptomatic forms of HPV. The studies that have come out on the news are pretty new and are funded by companies trying to make money on those Gardasil vaccines. I'm setting up an appointment soon regardless just to have a clear mind.

17-07-12, 17:53
Hi i just went to my local holland and barret it is a health store in the uk she gave me theese little tablets taste like sugar and she says they kill the virus dead so if it turns out you have it give them a shot :) also my partner went for a smear and they test for hpv that way i think you said that earlier so yeah thats probably the best way to go :) hope the results are all clear good luck

18-07-12, 00:40
Hmm, that's actually really interesting. Do you remember what the tablets are called? I'd definitely try them out if I can find them. Thanks :)

27-02-13, 05:26
First of all you must care when you do sex.Because no one tell you that he had STD.So you must be aware of all things and use all the precautions while doing that.And there are many tests that help you to diagnose these std.So you must go for a proper treatment that cover your all tests and try to avoiding these mistakes in future.