View Full Version : I'm new to this site - Panic Attacks

18-07-06, 19:27

I only found this site recently and find the information on it really helpful.
I am a 24 year old bloke and have been suffering with Panic Attacks/ Social Phobia for about 3 years now. They have been controlled to date by Paroxetine (an anti depressant) which I hate having to take because of the side affects. And over the last few months with doctor's advise - I have been reducing my dose......

Alas as I suspected would happen - stresses have built up and this week I have been unable to go to work, and had panic attacks the whole weekend with my friend. Its so debilitating - I am a confident, happy, social person usually but these attacks turn me into a wreck. I get the classic symtoms of nausea, sweating and dizziness and feel like I am dying (although I know I'm not). I have seen doc today and increased dose again and am looking at getting involved with some CBT therapy.

I hope one day I can get rid of this thing that takes over my life.


marie ross
18-07-06, 19:32
Hi Daviburg,

Welcome to the forum, you will find a lot of good help and friends in here.

Take care.

Marie XXX

18-07-06, 19:34
Hi Dave, and welcome to the site.

I too spent some time on paroxetine "Seroxat", and sometimes I found that I had not stayed on the meds long enough.

But well done for seeking out CBT - that can be hard work but very rewarding.

Many on here, including myself, can relate to how you feel with this. Keep at it, and you will get your life back in time.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

polly daydream
18-07-06, 19:36
Hi Daviburg and welcome to the forum. You will make plenty of friends here and will get plenty of support when you need it.

Best wishes,


18-07-06, 19:39
welcome to NMP

Take care



18-07-06, 20:09
Welcome! I too have only just joined, but have already found everyone to be lovely & supportive. I too have experienced panic attacks & they're really not very nice. I've had counselling for my anxiety & if you're with the right counsellor it can really help, so good luck with the therapy.

xxx Rosebud xxx

18-07-06, 21:08
Welcome to the forum Daviburg
love Helen

18-07-06, 21:52
Hi Daviburg and welcome. There's lots of help and support here.

Take care

'This too will pass'

18-07-06, 21:54
Hi Daviburg,

A warm welcome aboard and hope we can be of some help.


19-07-06, 08:25
Hello Daviburg,
Glad you too found this great site. It is so nice to find a place where someone else understands how you feel. Good luck and hope you are doing better.

19-07-06, 12:21
Hi Daviburg,

A big warm welcome to you. We are not alone as everyone here is no friendly and helpful

Take Care


19-07-06, 12:55

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

19-07-06, 15:33
Dear All,

I m a new memer in this forum. I m suffering Panic Disorder with Agrofobia(as per docotr) for last six months. I m doing job but feeling very uneasy at office. Basically I m always avoiding programs, meetings becasue of fearness of panic attack. One thing I m always feelling that....when I stand in any place I feel unstable. Panic attacks also happening all the day when I m on my office and on my sit. Can you pleaese help me regarding this. I m taking drug Rivotryl .5mg daily. I m also trying to do excercise & meditation as per your suggession in this web. Please help me to overcome this situation as because I have to be cure ..otherwise I will be in bad position in my job. I need to be good in my job because I m the main earning member in my family. So need your help.



polly daydream
19-07-06, 16:01
Hi Hadee and welcome to the forum, I would suggest though that you make your own introduction, so that people can say hello to you personally.

Best wishes,


Two heads
19-07-06, 19:43
Hi davibury and hadi!
Theres all the help you will need when you are feeling low from this horrid thing we all have to live with every day!
So a very warm welcome to you both!xxx

20-07-06, 02:48
Welcome Daviburg and Hadi,
You both have found the right place to get some help. I have found this forum to be a God sent. It is so great to talk to people who understand what we all are going through. I hope both of you find some comfort here! Take care and hope you will feel better soon!!!!:)


20-07-06, 08:15
elloo Daviburg,

A big welcome to the site. Some great support here and lots of helpful advice. Glad to have u on board hun.

Take care,
