View Full Version : Chest pains yet again so sick of it

16-07-12, 07:48
Chest pains have always been there ever since i can remember but few months ago had a bad episode of them and really really panicked went to a and e loads and my doctors and a cardiologist for an echo and 24hr holter everything come back ok he wanted me to go for a mri because he wants me to have regular scans every year because there is a family history of aortic problems and assured me the mri was only to have something to compare future scans too but im not convinced really because it is a big risky scan and dont understand how they can order one just for comparing reasons . . . .but then again a cardiologist cant lie to you can he ? Anyway last few days and especially this morning got a sharp pain on the left side that happened a few times and then vanished i just feel so down and stressed about it i think im making it worse . . . . All i want to do is lead a normal life and i am angry that theese things keep happening to me anyway rant over just felt down so thought i would post hope you are all doing well and god bless you all :)

Matt King
16-07-12, 09:07
The doctors have given you the all clear so it's just down to you to realize it's health anxiety. It's a lot easier said than done i know, but when you completely believe it's anxiety and nothing serious the pains won't bother you as much and eventually ease off :)

Have you spoken to your GP about seeing somebody about anxiety?