View Full Version : Scared of being underweight, help please!

16-07-12, 11:22
Ok so I'm 16, 5 ft 5 and 7 and a half stone.

My weight usually fluctuates down to this when I'm going through anxiety, and that anxiety at the moment is related to my appetite so it's quite difficult. I weigh myself every day and completely freak out even if I drop half a pound.

I have always been really skinny and I'm a vegetarian as well. I try to eat healthily but I'm scared of doing exercise because I'm scared of losing anymore weight. It took me half a year last time to get my weight back on and this was through eating a lot and everything. But if I stop eating then I just drop the weight straight away and it's really frustrating!

I'm scared people are going to think I'm ill.. but I don't feel ill or anything and I really want to get some muscle and start eating properly again, but I don't know how :(

Any tips?


16-07-12, 13:33
hello Chloe, I'm in a similiar situation, I'm trying to gain muscle mass and some weight. I can't exercise due to illness and lost a lot of weight.

I find eating higher protein and dense foods good. But a little weight bearing exercise should be good in terms of gaining weight if you can do it (rather than cardio workout). eg tone your arms and legs.

What in particular worries you about being underweight ?

16-07-12, 14:59
Drink plenty of milk. Milk has plenty of fat, protein and carbs in it.

16-07-12, 16:23
Carbs are the best thing for putting on weight but make sure they are wholemeal; ie; brown rice, pasta, bread as they are healthier. Exercise wise, stick to low impact like walking, swimming and weights. You'll put weight on but you'll stay toned.