View Full Version : Holiday. Do i bottle it?

16-07-12, 14:03
A few years ago my friend died and i started having panic attacks, just before i'd booked a holiday but didnt feel up to going and i got my money back because i had a doctors note. Now, a few years later and after not having a major panic attack for at least a year I booked a holiday with my friends in January. I thought I'd be able to do it, I'm in a much better place in my life but now, less than a week before flying i can feel the panic starting to creep up on me. I havent flown since i was really little so dont know what to expect really, but i'm panicking about panicking. what if i cant get on the plane? I dont feel like i can do it, but i cant justify loosing £600. I wouldnt be able to get my money back like last time becasue i shouldnt have booked a holiday in the first place right? My frends dont understand what its like and have a "get a grip" attitude!
I dont know what to do. i could bottle it now and say i'm not going and loose all my money or give it a go, but i dont know if it's worth getting myself in such a state.
I've also been reading about valium, can anyone tell me how effective it is?
Thanks for any help

16-07-12, 14:16
Hi jc1234,
I would definitely go on holiday. If you feel panicky at all then just feel it, the feelings will soon subside, the adrenalin rush will die down and in no time you will be at the resort soaking up the sun.
Change the 'what ifs' to ' I can', you will be fine.
Every one feels a little nervy about flying anyway and when you get home you can say I faced that challenge head on and it wasn't that bad after all.

Good luck.

16-07-12, 14:40
Hi i went abroad a few weeks ago and before hand i was panicking thinking i couldn't get on the plane and what if i had a panic attack etc, on the day i was a wreck but i used diazepam to help me and i got on the plane fine and had a great time, don't get me wrong i had my moments whilst out there where i felt panicky but i just took myself off for some time out and i was fine and on the flight home i didn't even need a diazepam at all, if you haven't any diazepam id recommend going to your gp and explaining and im sure they will prescribe you some for the flight, good luck and i hope you have a fab time xx

eternally optimistic
16-07-12, 22:15

with the cooperation of my GP, i will be taking valium or something similiar in about, OMG, 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I havent flown for 6 years and taking a leap again. Only a 2.5 hr flight but,
plenty long enough for me.


Glad you posted your update, gives me hope.

What amount of dizaepam did you take, what did you feel like.


17-07-12, 07:56
My flight wasnt till night time so throughout the day i took a total of 10mg of diazepam and i got on the plane fine x x

eternally optimistic
17-07-12, 11:47
Thanks Nicola for update.

17-07-12, 15:48

I have just done exactly what you are facing right now.

I went on a holiday to France last week after years without travelling.
I asked my GP for diazepam and received 14 tablets of 2mg each.
Took one in the morning and flew out at midday.
The diazepam takes the edge off your anxiety. Your worries fade to the back of your mind and you can get on with doing things. Even better, the drug has some effect for about 24 hours, so you still feel ok the next day.
I took another for the journey back and it helped again. I was just tired from travelling, exactly like everyone else was. No other problems.

And finally, it's well worth the trouble to go on holiday. The sun (and the fun) help a lot with depression.


22-07-12, 22:12
I have only been on short flights for the past few years (2.5hrs) and they are always a drama, me feeling like i need to get off the plane.. too hot, panicky, shaky, feeling sick can't eat. The usual.

I was going to Cyprus, I had a horrendeous time a few weeks earlier my anxiety was much higher than usual. I got given a CD hypnotherapy for flying. I listened to it whilst falling asleep. I still experienced nerves at the airport but when I got on the plane.... I was fine. Still the odd thoughts, but no real panic and I managed a near 5hr journey.... I still am in disbelief now and avoid any long haul flights as I think I won't be able to do it again. But I do recommend the CD every night for minimum of 4 weeks leave it running whilst your sleeping..... it DOES work, believe it.

22-07-12, 22:19
Nice one Claire. Well done.
Don't think I could face a 5hr flight yet. 1hr40mins was plenty for me!

22-07-12, 22:28
I am avoiding over a three hour journey this september, haven't booked anything. I know we could get a much better deal if we went turkey or tenerife, but i am avoiding the journey.... wish i had the 'don't care' attitude!! :weep:

23-07-12, 16:27
i would go its the only way to over come it u might even have a great time good luck and have a lovely time

23-07-12, 21:54
I went to Spain 2 weeks ago I took Valium for the flight 20mg I was a zombie but got there and back just but enjoyed the holiday getti on the plane is always worse than the flight

23-07-12, 21:57
Well done, scrog.
If I'd taken 20mg I'd have slept all day!