View Full Version : extreme fear of getting pregnant

16-07-12, 16:46
I am 16 years old and I have only ever had sex once but it was around 6 months ago. We did use protection but weeks after, I started to worry after I realised that my period was a few days late. It did eventually arrive but ever since then, a week or so before my period I get extremely worried that my next period won't come and that I am pregnant. I know that you cannot get pregnant without having sex and I haven't had sex since then but the fear won't go away. It is starting to control my life and I'm sick of worrying about something that is impossible. When I do get my period I always feel so stupid for believing that I could have actually been pregnant. Anyone I have ever told has just given me a nasty response. Has anyone ever experienced this or have any advice?

16-07-12, 20:09
Hi mollycowie.

Hope this helps even if I am not in the same situation. First of all this fear you have shouldn't be responded to nastily and those comments from others should just be disregarded. I don't have a fear of becoming pregnant as such and I am curios as to what part of being pregnant you fear. I who having been with my partner for 6 years doesn't necessarily fear pregnancy but neither wants it to happen, just not yet. I would love a family but at only 21, not married and still at university would like to have a family when were ready. Even though we have a generous income already I would still want to feel extra secure in the knowledge both of us have jobs. Plus I still want to live what little of my youth I have left. Don't get me wrong if it happened now, which I doubt it would I probably wouldn't be the most happiest but would most certainly have the child. I would also like to point out that I don't hold any bad judgement on those who have children at a younger age, it's just not for me. At around your age when I first met my now fiancé getting pregnant was my worst nightmare, ontop of the contraception that messed my cycle I was like you, waiting for my next period, if it was late that was it... time to freak out. My advice is to try and push this to as far to the back of your mind as possible. If your still with your boyfriend who you love and this is reciprocated, and you wish to have sex again and you will use protection then please don't let this fear hold you back. Because six years down the line when intimacy is quite rare you will thank yourself.