View Full Version : Heart issues

16-07-12, 18:19
Hi all ive posted a few times about chest pain but im at a loss as to why i cant seem to take in wat doc says. I was at out of hours doc yesterday with chest pain and he examined me and did ecg and told me that my heart is perfect and he wishes he had an ecg reading like mine.. Anyway im struggling today cause still have the pain and still finding it hard to accept it not heart related.. Can they tell from ecg whether theres a prob with ur heart.. I hate this its time consuming worring all the time. Help anyone.

16-07-12, 18:25
An ECg would pick up serious heart disease it will even tell DRs if someone has ever had a heart attack and it picks up inherited arrythmias like longQT syndrome as well. So while no test on earth is 100% for any illness having a completely normal ecg is GOOD!

Did the Dr sugget your chest pain could from the muscles between your tibs. I get this at times and its like being stabbed with a knife and with me tends to be about an inch or so from the centre of my chest. I was so convinced about 5 years ago that I was having heart pains that my GP sent of the blood test that shows if your heart is under strain just to convince me.Heart was fine!

16-07-12, 18:44
Depending on where the pain is it could be muscular, tension, acid reflux/indigestion, Costochondritis.

What did they suggest it was and how to treat it?

16-07-12, 18:49
Thanks for the replies... He said it was more than likely anxiety related but i told him i didnt feel anxious when i got it. He gave me some xanax tablets to take for a few days. I just cant shake the thought that its heart related im getting help for my negative thinking around health so hopefully that will help.

16-07-12, 18:59
Yes anxiety causes chest pain and you don't have to feel anxious to get it.

Your heart sounds perfectly fine to me though.

16-07-12, 22:20
Country girl, my pain started on holiday like sharp stabbing pains, this then sets off a panic attack and so the cycle continues!
I do realise now the pain IS NOT heart related but have now been diagnosed with GAD with totally random anxiety, I am learning to live with tho

18-07-12, 12:47
i am going through exactly same as you and its hard 3 months ago went a and e with chest pains out of breathe told was indigestion or muscular. went to my doctors they said costocondritis and was all tender to touch. anyways wasnt convinced kept going back docs a and e, all my ecgs fine blood tests fine x ray fine. i made doc do 24hr heart monitor went handed back in took quick look said heart races a lot might b svt gave me tablets for that which set me in panic mode. 2 weeks later results came back normal stopped tablets. now on tablets for acid reflux and anxiety, over few weeks other symptons appeared like arm tingling jaw back pain out of breathe. anyways point im telling you this is ive learnt few things that reassure me when i think its heart and doctor missing something-
1. ecg shows up the smallest of problems in heart rate and activity any irregularity probes further testing
2. blood tests show damage to heart if no damage not likely to be heart attack
2. unless it is heart attack (which you proved wasnt) heart problems dont come on all of a sudden like you had they are gradual symptons over long time.
4. a doctor can detect problems just by sounding your heart with stethscope.
this is what my doc told me im sure sure its accurate so dont take my word but calms me down sometimes, also fact its been going on so long and your still here (dont mean to put it harshly) is good nothing wrong.

i still dont believe t myself but anxiety can cause all this i failed to believe it as apart from odd panic attack didnt feel anxious but infact looking at my google history proves otherwise im constantly anxious about it whether feel it or not every twinge in my body i relate back to my heart.

rest assured your heart is ok if docs had any thing to concern theym trust me they would have referred you for more tests.
wish i could take own advice lol good luck xxx