View Full Version : feel like I can't breathe

16-07-12, 19:02
I know I'm probably being paranoid but I haven't been well lately (had horrible virus that put me in hospital) so I'm a little bit paranoid! I've got pain when I breathe in too hard around my lower rib area and I feel like I can't breathe properly for some reason- like even if I try not to do the annoying yawning thing I still feel like my chest is tight.

Is this anxiety? I have no idea what it would actually feel like to feel like you're struggling to breathe except for the times I've choked on a drink or something so not sure :/ would it be more obvious? ie I wouldn't be sitting here typing this?

16-07-12, 19:21
Im glad u posted this. I feel like my chest keeps going tight and I can't breath :-( So that's both ov us hun :-(

16-07-12, 20:47
Hope you feel better. I still feel pretty tight in the chest but I guess if it was serious something would have happened by now? I've got this horrible nausea burning feeling in my chest and throat which I'm guessing is acid reflux from not eating properly lately. I don't know. Feels like all my throat is tight.

16-07-12, 20:59
I no it's bloody horrible isnt it :-( Mines still going tight. Well it's a strange feeling really. Kind of crushing :-( Really scares me x

16-07-12, 21:04
One day when I told my Dr years ago I felt like I could not breathe he told me to run up and down the surgery stairs twice and then come back into his surgery and he said if you could not breathe you would not be able to walk up the stairs let alone run. A sensation is not the same thing as an actual clinical symptom.

I had asthma as a child and when it was bad I could not walk more than few feet without gasping for breath.
Hope this helps.

16-07-12, 22:28
I get this from time no time, feeling as though you're not getting enough air in your lungs... Pretty sure it's anxiety related as it seems to go when I keep myself occupied and forget about myself. Can be a unnerving not a nice feeling when it happens... but it does pass.

17-07-12, 19:09

Used to have this symptom and I can't reccommend this book enough for understanding it and getting rid of it.

12-08-13, 14:24
i am experiencing this currently, any tips on how to get rid of this?

anx mum
12-08-13, 14:56
U r not alone im getting this symptom too also getting chest pains. How do u get rid of this breathing symptom how does your breathing feel?