View Full Version : Constant anxiety

16-07-12, 19:56
New here... But would like to get some opinions... First I have had this anxiety problem for over 2 yrs have tried every pill on the market but not one has given me any kind of relief. :weep: I constantly have a feeling that something is wrong with my heart and lungs. Have pains and flutters 50 times a day and haven't taken a good breath in 2 years. Been to all the specialists and they say I'm a healthy 24 yr old. But I sure feel like I'm 80. It is to the point now I can't stay home alone and I can't drive very far. Tried cbt also and it never helped. I'm so scared I'm going to just fall over and die one day soon. I can't shake these physical symptoms. Is there any suggestions since I have tried meds and therapy??? Anything at this point I'm willing to try. If something doesn't give my marriage is going to end in a lawyers office very soon

17-07-12, 06:50
As you've been to a specialist and they've told you you're fit, if I were you I would consider the pains just part of your own bodies unique physiology. In a similar way to some people having a twinge in their back, knees or neck you get them in your chest. Consider your situation, you've had 2 years like this and you're a healthy 24 year old. Do you not think that if something were seriously wrong it would have happen by now?? If you don't already, consider challenging yourself to a little exercise, maybe walks in the countryside, where you can get some good fresh air inside?? Its worth a try. :D

17-07-12, 08:20
Have u tried accupuncture? I hear it's supposed to work. Im actually saving to go myself. Also there's hypnotherapy. X

17-07-12, 08:31
Hi mate you sound like my american double . . . I have almost lost my whole family through this whole thing i also got twinges and pains across my chest amongst other symptoms i have managed to save my family only to start getting chest pains again the last couple of days i dont know what its like in the states but i imagine it is trial and error as it is with drugs over here you just have to hang on in there buddy keep trying new things you will eventually find the right med for you . . It is just really frustrating because they mostly take 6 weeks or so to have an affect so you feel so down after six weeks of trying something new and it ends up not working i also have had medical staff and even my cardiologist gave me the all clear after an echo of the heart but i still would not listen he even sent me for a cardiac mri which was purely for reassurance purposes it even said so in the letter to my doctor . . My doctor showed me yesterday when i turned up with chest pain again . . . . I am feeling good ish today and all i can say to you mate is hang on in there you will have bad days and good days and try sit your wife down and completely explain everything from start to finish and try help her understand better i left my partner during this whole mess but we are a bit stronger now because i learned to talk to her about everything i was going through :) listen buddy feel free to send me a message whenever you want i hope your ok and just keep your head up and keep trying its a slow and painfull journey im not gonna lie but i am on my way to a normal life just remember that relapsing is part of getting better :)

17-07-12, 18:25
I accept that it is anxiety because I'm still alive after 2 yrs:) but I just need one day of feeling normal to believe it. All I want to do is stay home alone and not have a worry in the world. Maybe the acupuncture if I can find someone in my area. I'm just at a loss these days on what to do. I do exercise daily as I live on a farm I dont have a choice lol.
I just have to get this stuff out since my husband is tired of listening and that makes me worse thinking he doesn't care. I have considered moving away just to see if my environment is causing me anxiety. I haven't pin pointed it yet but I have a suspicion my lifestyle has some to do with it. Haven't been aloud to have a vacation in 6 yrs.
I appreciate the concern and the feedback :wacko: