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View Full Version : Caffeine and Ephedrine for motivation?

16-07-12, 20:20
:wacko::shrug:I have suffer anxiety trough all my life, after tons of medications and losses lots of things in my life because the anxiety, I found this 2 medications that are giving me my life back, I have the problem of getting extremely tired and cero motivation, my new medications are Seroquel rx and Effexor xr this two medications works wonders against anxiety and panic attacks, the only side effect that is giving me trouble is the tiredness feeling of Seroquel ,I did talk with my new dr,,and she replay me to go back to my specialist ""No way,, I am not going to put in risk again my treatment with this 2 medications" IT took me years to get were I am now so I am not going to start again to try different drugs,,the only problem is the side effect of Seroquel ,makes me feel very tired all day and I got almost cero motivation so I decide to start taking caffeine and ephedrine as motivation pills!! I have to say that works just fine but everybody knows that caffeine is not good for anxiety either ephedrine!! so now I am not feeling tired any more but some times feel my hands shake and feel nervous so I really don't know what to do??? because the combination of Seroquel and Effexor works excellent for anxiety and panic attacks but in order of stop feeling tired and have motivation I have to take caffeine and ephedrine, just half of the caffeine pill and 2 ephedrine of 8 ml each ,,but makes me feel nervous and shaky hands !!! what can I do ??? anyone here with something similar or any advise for me I really appreciate it ???? :shrug::wacko:

18-07-12, 21:52
I have just starting taking African Mango, which is natural but has some natural caffeine I believe. I also drink green tea with Ginseng in the mornings. These are more natural alternatives to having more energy without taking ephedrine. Ephedrine is worse than caffeine I would say.. so stay away. Try something natural.. it may help.

19-07-12, 02:17
Thank you very much for your advise,,, i just want to ask you if the this african mango is the fisical mango? or does it coming in powder or pills if so,,can you please tell me the brand? thank you again for your help

19-07-12, 16:11
Hello out there!!!! any one else can give me and advise ?? is there any other medication for motivation!!!!???