View Full Version : Does anyone else wake up with panic attacks?

19-07-06, 07:51
I seem to have my worst panic attacks at night. If i get to sleep okay i wake up scared out of my mind. Does anyone else have this problem?:(


19-07-06, 08:25
Hi Twila, I used to get this when my anxiety was bad, i would wake up in a panic, heart racing and sweating, i had very vivid dreams at the time. I am a lot better at the moment and i don't have this so it will pass hunny.

Take care

'This too will pass'

19-07-06, 08:35
Daisybun, Thank you for your reply!! Just knowing that out there somewhere is somone that I can talk to about this problem really helps. I do not have any one else to talk to, my family thinks that I am just crazy. So thanks again.:)


marie ross
19-07-06, 08:44
Hi Twila,

I had this the other night, went to bed then woke up feeling like i was gasping for air and really panicky. Its very rare this happens to me now, but when it does i try not to worry (easier said than done!) and usually go downstairs and watch a bit of tv until it passes and i've calmed down.

You are definately not crazy!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

19-07-06, 10:08
Yep, I've woken up in a panic a few times this week.


19-07-06, 12:03

I used to get that all the time, really scary, I havnt done it for the last 4 months though.


Will Loynes
19-07-06, 12:43
Hi Twila,
defo think the worst attacks can happen at nite, my reasoning that even if I wasnt painicing at the time the dark or dull lite and the quiet play tricks with the mind anyway. Add a panic attack to that and things seem much worse. This week has been a bad one, mine have taken me by suprise this time, hadnt had any for a little while.
The other thing is that nite time ones seem to add more intensity to fatigue.
One of the ways I have dealt with it in the past is to always have a book to hand or try and watch some tv and not try to sleep again until im really tired again.

Good luck and hope you feel well soon.

will [8D]

19-07-06, 15:38
I do this all the time last time was sunday night only slept for a hour then woke up sweating, heart racing very aggiatated. i just try and watch telly read or listening to music.

polly daydream
19-07-06, 16:24
Hi Twila, I quite often wake up in a panic, heart racing etc. May be due to dreaming or just having something on our minds that we can't switch off from.


19-07-06, 16:45
Yeah, had this for the first time this week....woke my hand had gone numb from sleeping on it so therefore thought i was havin a stroke and gona die inbed and orphan my children...very scarey hope i dont get another one of those!!

19-07-06, 17:14
I have woken up with severe panics in the past - dreadful, isn't it?

Fortunately, they don't happen too often but waking up and then feeling shakey and tired is a daily occurence.

It's clear to me that what sets off the panic in our mind is very active in our sleeping hours.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-07-06, 19:47
hi twila,
i have most of my panic attacks at night, think it's when i think about things the most...

Flutterby xx

20-07-06, 21:19
ive been woken up twice by panic attacks i felt as though my breathing had stopped gasping for a breath heart beating rapidly scared to death convinced i was dying i dont know why i think the subconcious mind works when we are asleep

20-07-06, 21:51

I sometimes wake up with a panic in the night. But don't worry, it will pass.

x x