View Full Version : Pagets disease fear!!!!

17-07-12, 13:44
I am so scared I have some kind of cancer. right now its nipple cancer or pagets. I did get a mamogram and two ultrasounds on my breasts, as well as tons of blood work. But if I squeeze my nipple I get some fluid from them sometimes its clear and sometimes its a bit yellow, also on the tip of the nipple it can get purple and it gets painful. I am so so worried. I just feel sick. I am going back to the doctors but I cant even think of anything else.

17-07-12, 23:25
Dear Lisak, for what it's worth, I have had a discharge from a nipple on and off for many years, and the gynaecologist has never been unduly concerned about it. My mammograms and ultrasounds have all been clear . I know how worrying any kind of breast symptom is, but from what you are saying, you have had all the relevant tests and breast examinations, too, and nothing has been found. I am sure you can put this particular worry out of your mind. Best wishes to you from Annie

18-07-12, 01:07
Thank you for your response Annie, I guess since I lost my baby I developed this very bad health anxiety. Its not just for myself I worry about my husband and my two kids. The doctor said that it might have been because two days before my baby died I have a check up and everything was great, then before I new it he was gone.

18-07-12, 09:13
That is a dreadful thing you had to go through, and it is easy to understand how sorrow and pain like that will affect your outlook; almost as though nothing is safe or certain anymore. I hope you are having counselling or other help to cope with this. Meanwhile, try to believe the doctors as to your physical health fears - easier said than done, I know, but take one day at a time. :hugs: from Annie