View Full Version : Please help me

19-07-06, 09:23
I was driving this morning, going from a bright road into a dark alley when I had the most intense sense of dizziness - so bad I had to get out of the car - it was awful. Lasted about 10 seconds though felt like an hour. My ears have also felt a bit fogged up today and I am so convinced I have a brain tumour. Im at work in pieces.

julie x

19-07-06, 09:33
Hi, due to the heat your bound to feel a bit dizzy, i have been!!! Plus you ahve gone from a bright enviroment into a dark one (being the ally) so your eyes have to readjust quickly to the change in light which can also often lead to blotchyness and dizziness in the head. Try to calm down and drink some water. If you still feel panicky get some fresh air. xxx

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

19-07-06, 09:53
I get this quite a lot. It's really frightening. it's probably just anxiety or blocked ears (too much wax). just ride with them when they happen and don't panic. They always go off maybe leaving you a bit muzzy headed but you'll be OK.

It's so hot today it's not surprising we're all wilting!!

chin up.


19-07-06, 12:08
Hi Julie,

I must admit that i dont think i have ever had this but i'm sure it's just as the others have said and it's just anxiety and not a brain tumour. having fuzzy ears can knock you off balance and make you dizzy.

Take care and i'm sure you'll be fine.


polly daydream
19-07-06, 16:18
Hi Julie, I wouldn't panic too much hun, I expect alot of people are suffering like you due to the heat, also as Obsessive said you've gone from a very bright enviroment to a very dark one very quickly. Also if you are having problems with your ears, remember they are your balance which will cause you to feel unsteady.

Take care,


19-07-06, 21:19
I've had this from anxiety before too. Many times. So many in fact that it no longer frightens me. Though I remember being scared at first. Just remind yourself that it's not harmful and it will pass.

21-07-06, 08:06
Thanks for your replies. Its been almost 2 days since it happend and I have been OK ish. I think i frightened myself as it was such a biggy.

I appreciate your help

Julie x

21-07-06, 13:41
Hi Juile, so glad you are feeling better today. I agree with the others, it was more than likely anxiety and I don't think the weather helped.

Take care



21-07-06, 14:23
Hi Julie, hope you are continuing to feel OK. I have had dizzyness on and off for over 20years. i thought i had a brain tumour too, but no i am still here. Dizziness is a very common symptom of anxiety, if you have ant neck tension that can affect your balance, try doing some shoulder and neck curls/rolls and massaging with lavendar oil to relax the muscles there.

Take care

'This too will pass'