View Full Version : i just selfharmed

17-07-12, 16:14
i not long self harmed i did it this afternoon i had to do it as i cant really take no more i had the house to myself so i did it i suffer from depression and social anxiety i just cant cope anymore sometimes i think i be better off dead :sad:

17-07-12, 16:18
awwwwwwwww jem i feel for u hun r u on meds? i think u need a trip bk to hyr gp and tell them that yr having sucidal thoughts and self harming

17-07-12, 16:26
yes i am on meds but there not helping i have been to the gp they know i self harm too they just up dose on my tablets to 100mg and he said if that dont work he up my dose again i just feel so down and lost i just feel like there is no way out

17-07-12, 16:38
i would change yr gp mine did that too just upped the dose untill i demended they did sumthing so he changed my meds i am on cipralax.

17-07-12, 17:07
I understand that the physical pain of self harming momentarily takes away the mental pain that you are feeling. I did it for a short time when I had an adverse effect from an antidepressant. I don't understand why your doctor dismisses your cry for help. If you live with a family member, talk to them, tell them that you are getting knowhere with your current GP and ask them to phone the surgery and demand to see a different doctor.

This is sooooooooo sad Gem, I really feel for you girl.............

17-07-12, 18:00
I agree, you need to go back and see your GP and if your getting nowhere, see a different one, it's patient choice.

Jon :hugs:

17-07-12, 20:39
Hello jem :)
I am very sorry you are feeling so low. But believe me when I say you would definetly not be better off dead you are a beautiful intelligent person who has a lot of potential. I feel like this sometimes and also self harm but trust me it passes just stay strong and find the help you need in order to feel happier xxxx

17-07-12, 22:23
my daughter who is now 30, happily married and expecting her first baby used to self harm in her early twenties. I saw the marks on her arms and was so shocked that I hadnt noticed before and that she didnt tell me what she was doing, she was away at uni at the time so I didnt see alot of her. She went to doc and started on AD's and after about a year she had completly stopped.Go change your gp and get the support you need.

19-07-12, 13:14
Hi Gem,

I really feel for you. I have self harmed a lot in the past and often have thoughts of being better off dead, so I know how you feel. I agree with everyone else, you need to demand some help, I know that's not easy when your feeling this way. I think it would be helpful to see a different GP in the practice or change your practice all together. Also you know there is help out there if you are desperate. You could call the crisis team or present yourself at A&E and ask to speak to the on duty psychiatrist to tell him/her what's happening.
Does your self harm need assessing? Be careful because sometimes it could need hospital treatment. Lots of hugs :hugs:

19-07-12, 23:59
Hi Gem,

I'm very sorry to hear what you're going through at the moment.

One thing I will say is don't feel as if you've relapsed by this one occasion, it's a scenario that's part of the healing process and it will disintegrate before you know it.

All the best,

20-07-12, 21:18
Tell someone.
Next time you get the urge to self harm, try putting ice on your skin until it hurts. Better than leaving a scar.

21-07-12, 12:58
Yes ice is good. Also an elastic band around your arm. Flick it and that hurts. x

23-07-12, 16:33
i have tryed that flicking a elastic band around my arm or i scratch myself to stop the urge but becos of all the stress i just couldnt take anymore it had to be done

23-07-12, 16:53
Half of me understand the 'need' to self harm but the other half of me thinks it's something that can be avoided. When you feel that anxiety, the adrenaline, the need to harm yourself, why not try translating all that energy into something positve. Go for a run...Blare your music and dance... Shout and scream...Punch some pillows, Anythin that uses up that same need to be rid of all that tension inside you.

Just a thought


23-07-12, 17:03
i cant go for a run as i find it hard to leave the house i do listen to music sometimes it helps thanks for your advice lisa x

23-07-12, 17:49
A punch bag would be good too xx