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View Full Version : Haven't had any luck catching you in chat...

13-09-03, 11:54
...but wanted to let you know that I've still been coming by periodically. I've still been going out to the gym every other day, .(after 13 months of staying in the house all of the time from agoraphobia), so I'm feeling pretty good about that. As I mentioned before, I found you guys's recent success stories most inspiring = thank you! I just read in another post that one of you has experienced a lot of difficulty swallowing = I am having this problem also, and I really believe it is anxiety related = I'm hoping as my anxiety gets less & less that it will go away; I just don't see myself going out to a DR right now, plus I've been tested for difficulties with it in the past, as a part of an overall workup when I first started having severe anxiety symptoms, and all was normal, so... . Well, anyway, I hope everyone is well, and I'll check in again. Warmly, Peanut http://www.harrythecat.com/graphics/w/heart17.gif

14-09-03, 10:52
Hi Peanut,

If you're on the East Coast we're 5 hours ahead and chat wakes up about 9 pm.

So glad to hear of your continued success... Hearty congratulations.

The swallowing issue is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. We often talk of a lump in our throat at any emotional time: sorrow , anger, overwhelming joy and so forth. Anxiety causes it too. Nothing to worry about.

Bach rescue remedy in a bottle of water and sipped liberally does help this as does sipping ice cold water which helps calm the muscle concerned.

If you want another theory - some say that it's the throat chakra informing you that you have unexpressed emotions and need to release them. A good cry usually does make it better as does a good chat or a few shouts. The throat chakra is blue so wearing a blue top may help rejuvenate . I used to go for intermittant spiritual healing when I wa sat my worst and that always relieved it immediately as well as all the stomach churning when she chakra balanced and fiddled with my meridians .... Each to their own .

Keep moving forward and remember to really reward yourself for each new success.

All the best . Catch you soon in chat .


14-09-03, 16:49
hi peanut
love the heart its really good,will be nice too see you in the chat room