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26-05-04, 16:25

History first, in an easy-to-skip paragraph:

I've suffered from derealisation since 2000 (1.1.2000 in fact!). Thinking that unreal feeling was due to a physical condition led to my first panic attack on an early 2001 morning. I was prescribed with Seroxat (20 milligrams a day) on which I was able to lead a somewhat normal life, free of panic attacks but not of the derealisation, and all this time I had not heard of derealisation anywhere, so I kept thinking there's a physical condition behind it. Two weeks ago, Seroxat's effect wore off for a reason beyond me and my doctors (possibly a case of the body developing an immunity to paroxetin, the active agent in Seroxat) as I woke up in panic so intense that I had to be institutionalised for the first time in my life. During my first leave from the asylum I found out online about derealisation, and was extremely relieved. Up until that point, I had only had people to listen to me, yet no one to explain the unreal feeling to me. I thought I was the only one in the world who had experienced such a feeling in a prolonged form (I had read that it's an acute symptom with panic disorder, but never found out that it can indeed be chronic). I also just recently realised that I'm agoraphobic; off of medication, I'm unable to even go to the grocery store about 800 meters away from home! I'm currently on Remeron (30 milligrams a day) which was prescribed by a doctor at the asylum. So far it's not helping, but I'm positive that I'll beat my illogical fears one of these days, without the aid of medication. I currently get to about three fourth way to the grocery store, after which, no matter how logically and positively I try to think, my mind leaves me with no choice but to return "to the HQ".

Now that you've probably skipped that paragraph, I have nothing interesting or clever to say, other than the mundane basic information of me having been born on the 14th of May, 1984 (yes, I spent my birthday locked up :D) in Finland, where I've lived my whole life thus far.

If you've (honestly) read this far, all I can say is thank you for your interest in what I'm sure this online community is familiar with.

26-05-04, 16:46
Hi Kroko,

Welcome to the site!! I'm glad you found it - I'm pretty new here myself and I've found it very helpful. Everyone here is very friendly! I can understand what you are going through. I have had panic attacks for just under a year and have found it very difficult and scary. I'm on a medication called Cipralex (10mg) and I also see a therapist. Both things help me a lot but I still am trying to learn how to cope with the panic myself. I also have left the house determined to go somewhere and have had to turn back and return home. I am a lot better now but it has taken what seems to be a long time.
I hope you find some comfort in this site!!
Take care.
Sarah (seh1980)

26-05-04, 17:21
Hi Kroko,

Welcome to the site ?

Did something happen that New Years when you were 16 to bring that on ?

Are you still experiencing derealization now ?

I'm glad to hear you are positive and determined to get over this.

The most informative source of help for this that I found when I was looking for someone a while back was www.dreamchild.net.
You're probably already familiar with her.

Let us know how you're doing.

Take care


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

26-05-04, 18:03
Hi Kroko,
you will find lots of help and support here [^]. Everyone is so kind and they have experience of so many problems related to panic. take care,
love tess

26-05-04, 22:08
Hello Kroko
My heart goes out to you because you are so young to be suffering so. Why would anyone want to skip the paragraph,it's your life story so far and important to you. Please keep being positive and keep in touch.
Love Liz

27-05-04, 14:05
Thank you all for the kind response.

Radar/Meg, the best I can think of (in regards to what may have triggered the sensation) is that I was spending the new year with a friend. This friend was religious, and he thought 1.1.2000 would be the date for the second coming of Christ. He had actually made preparations for this! I didn't believe in it, but a lot of the things he said made me slightly anxious. Perhaps my brain decided to prepare itself for the second coming of Christ! :) Yes, I am still experiencing the derealisation, the more I think about it the more intense it feels, obviously. I have not visited dreamchild.net before, thank you for the link!

Harriet/Liz, I just thought you've all read it before a few times. ;)