View Full Version : I live in hope of being fear free

17-07-12, 17:50
Hi I am new here and found this website whilst looking for help.
I am at this moment in time very anxious feeling unreal agitated and nervous no one knows what a person suffers with this condition I just want to be free of Anxiety. I have had this problem for a very long time. I am just saying hello for now.

17-07-12, 17:53
Hi Freedomseeker,

Sorry to hear you are so agitated and nervous, have you been to see your GP there is lots of help out there.

Good Luck xx

17-07-12, 18:02
Hi yes I have been taking Diazepam for a long time although I can regulate it I did try Citralopam 3 years ago but it made me suffer from Hyperhydrosis I have a lot of stress in my life and really no one to spout to. So everything builds up yesterday I had a wicked Panic attack on waking and it also affects my Balance I feel unsteady this is a symptom that really bothers me. It is really good to find this forum I hope I will feel that I am not alone with this. Thank you for your reply. :)

17-07-12, 18:06
Hi freedomseeker

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

17-07-12, 18:09
Thank you :)

17-07-12, 18:09
Hello & :welcome:

Jon :)

17-07-12, 19:58
I hope you can share your problems with us here at NMP.

17-07-12, 21:24
Hi and :welcome:

Yes i think i have a rough idea how you feel anxiety and panick attacks are my problem at the moment.

I too have been on diazapam for a short while and am now on Citalopram.all the best Richard.:)

21-07-12, 21:07
Hi Richard are you feeling better for being on Citaloprom?