View Full Version : starting to feel scared of my boyfriend

19-07-06, 10:19
for no real reason other than I'm scared I don't love him and should leave him. I'm scared when he talks to me and scared when he touches me. I don't know what to do!


19-07-06, 10:24
Has he ever done anything to make you feel scared?

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

19-07-06, 10:24
Never. He's been really wonderful to me.

19-07-06, 10:30
Are you having a bad time with anxiety ect in general at the moment? Because this often brings on for me fears that i dont normally have when im ok.

Could you not go somewhere to have a break from your partner till you feel a bit better, and explain it to him?

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

19-07-06, 12:45
Hi Ren,

I went through a stage like that with my hubby a couple of months ago. I posted about it if you want to read it in the forum.

Hope this helps


marie ross
19-07-06, 17:35
Hi Ren,

I too have had this with my wonderful partner of 12 years.

I was'nt that i was scared of him, i did'nt want him to touch me and i could'nt even be in the same room as him. This went on for a month and now i realise that it was me and my anxiety making myself distant from him. I would'nt want him to leave me and it was just a bad stage i was going through, but its got a lot better.

Do you live together, is there somewhere you could go to have a good think about what you really want??

Take care.

Marie XX

19-07-06, 18:04
thanks for the replies. I've been home to my parents for a night but all my NHS support is at home so I need to be living with my partner. I know I care for him but right now all my problems are coming from my relationship fears. Last night I was scared of being in the same bed with him, which hurt me as well as him.
