View Full Version : Numbness just below lower lip

19-07-06, 11:45

I haven't been on here for a while but just today I suddenly felt a feeling of numbness just on the left side below my lower lip. I foolishly checked the internet and started finding stuff about MS etc so now i'm freaking out.
Does anyone think this could be stress or tension related? I'm in the middle of moving house so i am really stressed and I do tense my muscles, especially jaw, when i'm stressed

I'd really appreciate any thoughts people might have?



19-07-06, 11:48
Hello Tom, I had this a few months ago, but it only lasted a few days, and has not returned since.

I suspect it is really anxiety, so try not to worry about it.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-07-06, 12:08
Tom, don't Google for symptoms, I do it too and it really doesn;t help!!!

If this helps, I am going through a really slow stressful house buying with my boyfriend at the moment, we keep getting one delay after another and YES it definaly makes your anxiety symptoms come on!

J x

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

19-07-06, 14:54
Hi there, sounds stress related to me, my best mate has MS and i can assure you this was not a symptom! Take care, moving house is one of the most stressful things we go through. take care and keep in touch xp.s googling should be banned!! (lol) x

Will Loynes
19-07-06, 17:25
Hi tom,
sounds like anxiety is playing tricks again, try not to focus on it and worry too much (as we all do at times).
Hope it feels normal soon.
Good luck with the house move


19-07-06, 20:30
Thanks guys, i really do appreciate the support. I just can't help freaking out about it, yesterday I was almost ecstatically happy about everything, today i just feel like crying and just feel so depressed.

I'm getting CBT therapy so hopefully that will help. The irony was that i've been going through such a good time with the anxiety that i didn't have much to tell my therapist. At least I've got some material to work with now i suppose.

If anyone else has experienced this symptom i'd be really pleased to hear from you.

Thanks again guys.


20-07-06, 08:45
Hi tom. I was experiencing tingling lips a few weeks because I got myself into such a tizz about my MRI results and like you spent hours googling my symptoms and convinced myself I had MS! I'm moving house too!

Tingling and numbness are classic signs of anxiety and stress.

20-07-06, 08:52

I sometimes suffer from this but have found that sometimes i have been subconsciously biting my lower lip with my teeth which has caused the tingling. Perhaps you are doing this??
