View Full Version : does anybody get this?

18-07-12, 11:13
hi everyone.

I have been struggling with this health anxiety since christmas now. The panic attacks i used to feel were my heart rate increasing and then tingling all over my face and hands. Recently though i have been feeling like my heart is going to stop and then my body starts to shake. It is always at bedtime and it wakes me up:-( its really scaring me, so much so that i put off going to bed. Is this normal?

18-07-12, 12:12
It sounds like anxity ,,but always best to ask a doctor..just to mak sure its nothing else ,

18-07-12, 13:15
hi yes i get this ive suffered health anxiety over my heart for 3 months now apparantly its just acid reflux but tablets not working, ive been put on tablets for anxiety and i wake up in panic all tingly and weird through body its due to your body always being on defense mode as your anxious its not relaxing during sleep and you wake up panic and tired as you havent rested. common anxiety sympton but still best to get checked out as im no doctor. x

---------- Post added at 12:15 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ----------

ps mine is worse in mornings when wake up but if yours is worse bedtime maybe your spending evening anxious and dreading it so try to do something before bed that relaxes you takes mind of it go for walk or bath or something you find relaxing to distract you might help. x

18-07-12, 16:06
Thanks for your replies. Some nights are worse than others, its almost like i cant see my body trembling but can feel it inside. so weird. It then escalates into the tingling coz its freaking me out. I feel like this whole thing is a vicious cycle that im never going to get out of:-( x

18-07-12, 16:45
do you also lie in bed and feel your heart is pounding although pulse normal, and you can see your heart beating in your stomach i get that and left jaw shoulder neck pain which is scary your not alone and is hard.