View Full Version : heart anxiety and acid reflux

18-07-12, 12:19
i am 24 yr old female i dont smoke or drink or do drugs or drink any caffeine. 3 months ago i went to a and e with chest pain ecg blood tests came back ok said indigestion and costocondritis. so went to my doctors gave me omeprazole tablets, i also have ibs have done since having my first son. the omeprazole tablets made me so ill i couldnt eat for a week, so switched them to ranitidine. during this time i have been to a and e 5 times with pain and tingles and back pain, all ecgs were fine all blood tests fine chest x ray fine, also been to doctors who ran blood tests for everything including thyroid, liver, blood cell count and diabetes, blood clots. also had stool sample and urine test all fine. i had 24 hr heart monitor my doc took quick look before sending to cardiologist said my heart did race a lot and could be svt and gave me bisoprolol tablets then 2 weeks later got results back and was normal so came off tablets, also tried cimitidene tablets and now changed to laprosole tablets as gas issues still bad and nothing seems to help. my doc now says its anxiety and put me on sertraline tablets. i am going out of my mind i keep thinking having heart attack and doc is wrong and theres something wrong with my heart. heres my symptons- chest pressure and middle back pain sometimes fullness in neck shoulders and ears, heartburn, bad bowels, left jaw neck shoulder pain which scares me most as its pretty constant and tender sometimes get mildly on right side but mostly left. tired all time feel chesty and out of breathe and get more out of breathe with simplest things. i have no family history of heart problems we do have history of hiatal hernias which doc says it is but hasnt given me any tests for it. i know i am highly anxious because keep thinking its my heart, also under lot of stress my grandad dying of bowel cancer and my brothers best mate was only 19 and recently died of heart attack (however he had hole in heart and pacemaker) which obviously increased my anxiety. but can anyone shed any light into my symptons, is it safe to rule out heart problems, pulse is regular it does get faster when breathe in and slows when breathe out my doc said that was fine still within about 70-80 bpm resting. im getting so down thinking doc just doesnt listen to me now as says anxiety, has anyone had this with anxiety/gerd or hernia symptons? any advice appreciated, thanks.
ps i did make myself worse by googling my symptons and keep doing it so please no nasty comments.

18-07-12, 12:47

All of those symptoms are definitely related to indigestion/reflux/gerd and not necessarily your heart.

You have to try and accept this and I think in time you will find the symptoms lessen when you don't think about them or concentrate on them.

18-07-12, 12:50
i know deep down but my mind just spirals out of control think worst is constant shortness of breathe and shaky hands, thanks for your reply. xxx

18-07-12, 23:11
I think you need to accept that you have had a huge amount of tests and they have all come back fine. Try and take some comfort about that. You have been worried and seeked help from doctors and that is very responsible and the right thing to do. But when all the tests come back normal you then have to think what can I do now to feel better. I know how you feel I was in A&E a few weeks ago with terrible stomach pains and back pains and had an ECG, all was fine. I was given Lansoprazole as told I had gastritis but it made me ill. I am sure I have a return of my IBS as I too am going through a very stressful time. I know it isnt easy to imagine anxiety can cause so many nasty symptoms but if you have been told everything else is fine then maybe it is time to accept just how bad anxiety is and start to put your energy into dealing with the anxiety rather than worrying about your health. I know that is not easy to do, am in the middle of the same struggle now and I do sympathise. Please try and relax a bit and I am sure once you have thought about it logically you will see what you need to do
Good luck:)

18-07-12, 23:27
I totally agree with everyone else darling. Im a sufferer of acid reflux, heart burn and indigestion problems and I get chest pain, feel like my throats full or tight just not nice feelings. I no it's also through my anxciety. U no these past few days iv had horrible chest pains :-( If it was afew months ago I'd have dialled 999 but iv learnt not to. To believe that it's not bad. N to just go wiv it and put it somewhere in my head where I won't think of it. I think in the 6 years of having anxciety that's something that iv finally controlled. That every, twinge or pain I get isnt going to kill me. But u have got pretty good results there so u need to put it somewhere in ur head and STOP doing this to urself. Think of the stress ur putting ur body threw, threw stressing thinking theres something wrong wen there isnt. Believe me iv had the shittiest past few months. I dont no how I get through it, honestly. I have been to the bottom and I'm only 26 but I'm still here and fighting this. I was obsessed wiv my heart for years. Still have the odd thinking of ' yeah but what if' but then I dont let my thinking get that far. My best advice to u is whenever u begin to think about u totally need to distract urself. Jump up n scrub the bathroom lol. Anything. U just need to brake this thinking cycle ur in. Oh believe me it works cos iv done it. U r healthy n so is ur heart. Stop putting urself threw this. Xxx