View Full Version : A Panic Attack Advisor

19-07-06, 13:03


I would really appreciate some feedback on my proposed charity.

I am starting a help line which is for people who suffer from panic/anxiety attacks and I just want to find out if you think it may help you. You would be able to ring the helpline when you were actually suffering the panic attack in which to receive support.

I used to suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and agoraphobia for 20 years and I learnt how to deal with fear and my emotions and now lead a life so much more fulfilling than the one I had before.

I have a degree in Psychology but I think personal experience is essential in which to help others who are suffering.

The help line I wish to start up is there to assist someone when they are actually suffering a panic attack. As other sufferers will know, a panic attack is such a terrifying experience, I want to be there to help people when they are suffering the most. Essentially, I will be a panic attack advisor and even though some people may not even be able to speak when they are enduring the worst, I will be able to reassure and support them.

I simply wish to know what your thoughts are on this and whether, if you do experience anxiety, you would ring such a support line.

Many thanks

[:P] Redsilk

19-07-06, 13:19
i think its a good idea and i would use the support line, just knowing some-one is there if you need it can be of great help

good luck in setting it up:D:D

19-07-06, 13:20
Hello Redsilk,

An excellent idea, but maybe you are aware that there are helplines in the UK already.

These are run by
No Panic 0808 808 0545 10am to 10pm
First Steps to Freedom 0845 120 2916 10am to 2am
Saneline 0845 767 8000 1pm to 11pm

I cannot speak about Saneline, but the first two are manned by people who know a lot about panic attacks and anxiety - they are sufferers themselves who are now well enough to advise others.

I have used these helplines and they are a Godsend. But it is clear that they need extra volunteers, as at any one time they may have four people available, sometimes just one and they may all be busy with other callers. First Steps to Freedom may have less volunteers, but recently extended their hours to 2am, which is a great step forward in provision.

Anyone can use these helplines whilst having panic attacks, and wonder if you do better by helping one of these great organisations. You will be really valued.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

19-07-06, 13:22
It sounds like a good idea but how much would the phone call cost, if it's normal rate the yeah i'd ring but if it was something like £1.50 per minute then def not.


19-07-06, 16:36
Would you be able to handle more than one caller on your own. What if your line jams with that many callers?

19-07-06, 21:12
Does anyone know of any lines like this in the US?