View Full Version : Hello everybody

18-07-12, 22:46
I have just joined today and am looking for some help with anxiety and depression. I have had a really tough year so far with my partner of many years abandoning me and leaving me for a mutual friend. I have also lost my job and at the moment I am worried I am losing my mind. The past month has been really hard, I have had problems sleeping and eating and just seem to feel unwell all the time. I seem to be worrying about my health because of back pain and my IBS has returned. Some nights I am convinced I am really ill and being on my own doesnt help. In my saner moments I think, I am fine just need to take care of my diet and get back into yoga but for some reason these more positive moods get swamped with panicky feelings of doom and fear. I would like to know if anybody else out there has had similar problems and how they overcame/dealt with them. I appreciate all advice
Many thanks and looking forward to meeting some nice friendly people who understand

18-07-12, 22:56
Hi unhappygirl12

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-07-12, 07:10
I lost my partner some years ago and only time healed the wound. But, the feelings I had were the same as if someone close to me had died, the grief was so severe. My way of dealing with this was to hypothetically put him in a small box, and to put that box in my heart and store it there. I don't know if that makes any sense to you, but it did to me at the time, he is still there in my heart and always will be, but he is filed away in the past.

Also, if you have not been to your GP about the worries you have over your health, that would also be a good idea.

20-07-12, 02:20
welcome unhappy girl im sure you will get the help you need here and information there is alot of members who im sure will be happy to help you with information