View Full Version : some help please

18-07-12, 22:59
I have only recently started having severe health worries. I have had a very stressful year with my partner leaving me after many years and moving in with a friend and I have also lost my job so very worried about money. I was doing okay, stressed but coping but then all of a sudden i got terrible stomach pains and ended up in A&E and was given an ECG (it was fine) and was told I had gastritis. I took meds but they didnt help. I slowly remembered feeling like this years ago when my mother was dying. My old friend IBS was back. I am trying to do all the good things I did before but every day i worry its something worse, something bad going on inside my intestines. I hate how scared I have become. I am also having upper back problems. I sometimes think, how have I got this, then realise I am sitting in a really bad way and my shoulder blades are lifted right up stretching my back muscles tight. It seems my shoulders seem to be permanently in a state of tension. I relax them and it feels better then a few minutes later they are tense again. I have an appointment with my GP soon and have so much i want to discuss I don't think they will take me seriously. I definitely want help with my anxiety and depression but also want help for my back and IBS and am so tempted to ask for a whole lot of tests just so I can have some peace of mind.
What I really want is to relax but have no idea how to do that at the moment, when I try it just seems to go wrong and I am finding falling asleep almost impossible.
Can anybody out there offer me some helpful advice?

18-07-12, 23:11
Do u enjoy reading? Maybe take a nice bath wiv sum candles and calm music. Maybe do some yoga classes. I enjoy going for a walk at night wen I'm feeling all worked up. That tends to relax me. I'm just trying to think of anything else u can do. Hmm. Have u considered maybe talking some calms tablets? There sposed to be good. Xx

19-07-12, 01:29
Yes I do like reading and having a bath is definitely a good way to relax. I used to do yoga and it would be a good idea to get back into it. I have recently started to feel so out of control with my body and worries about health and now I feel I need to relearn ways to make my body feel good again and start to stop feeling so vulnerable. Thanks for your reply, was really kind of you xxx

19-07-12, 06:34
it could be the stress of everything that is making you feel this way . Ive not really dealt with stress myself but i would imagine its not nice as sammie said try somethings relaxing not just 1 or 2 but other stress relief see if it helps :)