View Full Version : Hello there

19-07-12, 00:07
Hey all,

My name is Wally. I suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for a long time pretty bad.

I ended up horribly addicted to benzo's and drinking about a 30-pack of beer at a sitting to feel "better" many, many times.

I sort of did that for a long time then got bored and sick, so I had to cool it on the 30-packs and I had to get off of the Valium and Xanax.

So even though I still had terrible anxiety, I had to get off of those drugs and that was a lot of fun.

I guess it took me over a year to get 100% off of the drugs, and it was a pretty miserable experience.

Anyway, I am now a LOT better and drug free and only have 2 beers in a given day and it's not to "relax" or any of that...it's because beer is quite delicious when consumed in normal quantities.

The last full-blown panic attack I had my entire face went numb, and stayed that way for about 2 weeks. When I finally went to the E.R. and had the doctor tell me what I already knew (that I was not in fact having a stroke, but that it was just anxiety) I instantly feel better.

My head stopped tingling after I left the hospital, and I started doing things differently.

I had been reading books and information on CBT and that sort of thing, and I really started to believe in what I had learned and it started paying off.

For the most part, I no longer freak out at life. I get anxious still, but it doesn't get to the point where I am locked inside the house and miserable.

OH. I'm not bragging, it's just that I suffered long enough and now it's my time to realize that life creates anxiety...and the anxious brain fuels it.

That's pretty much it. I hope my little story is inspiring to someone out there who thinks they will never feel better...because it is most definitely possible to do...it just takes some work.


19-07-12, 00:19
Hi wally247

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-07-12, 01:07
Hi Wally and :welcome:to NMP ...Im sure you will meet plenty of people who will relate to your experience ,and make some good friends along the way.Nice to see you here . Sue :)