View Full Version : morning headache

19-07-06, 13:40
Hi all,

I have been awoken a few times this month to a dull headache at the back of my head on the right side only......it doesn't lift and makes me panic all morning thinking of all the what ifs. Its like a tension knot and I have been having the feeling of face pressure again a lot - like my face is really strained from smiling too much and that its full and ready to explode I am hoping it is sinus even though I don't have a snuffly nose or anything.

Please help reassure me this is normal and tsomething sinister........warning sign of a stroke/high blood pressure (a phobia - even though it has always been fine other than one high reading - hence the phobia), brain tumour etc etc.

Thank you I am a little scared.

19-07-06, 14:26
Hi there, sorry you feel so scared right now. I would almost certainly say this is due to tension. Make sure you are eating/drinking well, that your room is well ventilated at night, try to relax before sleep. I believe we go to bed thinking what if we wake with this awful headache? and guess what? we do!!!! Make sure your bed and pillows are comfortable. Maybe you clench your teeth whilst sleeping? There are so many innocent reasons why you feel like this and I am sure that it is not high blood pressure (which often doesn't produce any symptoms)stroke nor a tumour. take care and keep in touch. xxxxx

19-07-06, 21:04
Hi Wonderwoman,

I get a lot of sinus headaches without my nose being stuffy or sniffly. And if your face is hurting, that's what it most likely is, IMO. When my sinuses bother me, I
-take decongestants
-breathe in steam - either from a shower or facial steamer
-drink warm tea or soup
-take pain reliever
-rest and get my mind onto something else whilst my body heals

And I agree with Carlin that the dull headache in the back of your head sounds like stress. When this happens, I
-meditate for 10 minutes
-do yoga
-do progressive muscle relaxation
-soak in a warm bath
-apply some other sort of warmth to my neck such as a warm towel or heating pad

Hope some of this helps and you're feeling better soon!!
PS - I've read one of your earlier posts about living overseas and if you can do that with this disease then I'm sure you will soon overcome this symptom too! Please let us know when you are feeling better!

20-07-06, 02:21
Thank you both for your replies.

Your kind words have reassured me that its nothing sinister - I think because its worse of a morning it could be the a/c (a necesary evil in this part of the world).

Its very challenging living in Viet Nam far from home and normal life - but thats one of the reasons I am doing it to prove to myself that I can funtion and do things (and the whole horrid disorder started here anyway)...............but some days I get very scared and sucked in by the sensations again and end up being nowhere near as brave as I make out to be.

Thanks again,
