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View Full Version : Heart anxiety is back.

Matt King
19-07-12, 09:07
So i thought i'd beat the ever so delightful heart anxiety but apparently not.

Over the last month or so i've felt my breathing has been a bit wheezy. Wasn't that concerned about it but mentioned it to my doctor who said it's probably hayfever. I've always had hayfever but the anti-histamines i was taking at the time were a lot weaker than the one a day ones. It hasn't been as bad since i've changed back to the one a day, but i think my anxiety amplifies it and makes it feel worse.

As part of the CBT, i started drinking caffeine again to expose myself to anxious feelings. Slowly upping it i've felt okay, but there's been a few occasions where i've felt out of breath even doing the simplest of tasks. Also a lot of chest pressure and pains. I went to a walk in GPs surgery after getting a dull ache over the centre of my chest and feeling out of breath. I've gotten out of the habit of seeing the doctor but this felt like i should get it checked to be sure.

I also had a lot of stomach feelings (like you get after eating or when you're hungry) but in my chest. It wasn't painful but i mentioned it. The doctor said it's most likely acid and to take Gaviscon after meals and before bed. It's been better since then but my chest still feels very tight and the chest pains feel worse than they did when i started suffering from anxiety. I know you'll probably read that as my anxiety being higher and i'm worrying about it more but my anxiety is genuinely lower than it originally was.

I'm 21, in decent shape, social drinker and quit smoking back in February so doctors are very satisfied i have no heart trouble. I had an ECG and an echocardiogram about 2 years ago when i started getting heart palpitations from caffeine and stress, way before any of my anxiety kicked off. So i don't know if it'd be worth asking for an ECG just for peace of mind, but i don't see how over 2 years i could develop any kind of heart disease, especially being young. I mean my diet isn't perfect but neither is most of my friends and i don't see them worrying over their hearts.

I also don't want to keep running to the doctors, but this anxiety can really get inside of your head. It's really bringing me down as well. I made so much progress and now i feel like i've been pushed back several steps.

Thanks for reading anyway :bighug1:

19-07-12, 09:31
Aww big hugs. U sounded like u was doing so well. If it would put ur mind at rest then ask for an ecg. I do think that most of it is down to acid and ur anxciety because I have the chest pains and tight feeling aswel but I'm not a doctor and if it's concerning u, get it checked out. Good luck xx

Matt King
19-07-12, 10:29
Thanks Sammie :)

I can't logically see why it would be anything related to heart trouble. I'll put it down to anxiety and acid for now but if it doesn't ease off i'll see the doctor just to be sure.

19-07-12, 10:39
Hey Matt, just wanted to say I know exactly what your feeling! I'm 25 yo and in excellent physical condition, don't smoke and drink occasionally but about 4 years ago or so I develop anxiety with my health specifically my heart. I would get chest pains, shortness of breath, skipped beats...you name it I had it. Been to the doctors on several occasions and had all the tests including an echocardiogram. Everyone tells me I'm fine and its stress and too much caffeine. To this day I still suffer but not as bad, I just try to tell myself that I'm fine, I'm young, I've had all the tests and its just anxiety. Sometimes this approach doesn't always work and I can find myself struggling. My biggest heart sensations that I absolutely hate are this ectopic or skipped beats. Anyways just hang in there man!