View Full Version : health worries constantly

19-07-12, 10:59
i am constantly worried about my health!!
i feel ill all the time and cant get it out of my head that i havnt got cervical cancer of something serious wrong with me!:weep:
iv always got a stomach upset and im always achey and feel really tired. my right leg and hip is constantly aching, iv been to the docs and he jus said that its prob jus a deep muscle and that i should do some stretches, but i do and it still aches!
i constantly think about my health and dying everyday, from the moment i wake up till the moment i fall to sleep.
i just want to feel like my self again!!! instead of feeling achey and tired and nervious all the time!!!

19-07-12, 12:45
Big big hugs. Just remember u r not alone. I suffer with severe anxciety. Iv had it for 6 years. I used to spend my days worrying about dying. I'm happy to say that I dont anymore but I still feel like crap all the time. Funny vision, headaches, cheat pain, confusion, depersonalisation u name it I have it. My advice to u is to just keep thinking positive and keep fighting it. Remember we r all in this together. Xx