View Full Version : lung cancer

19-07-06, 13:40
I know this sound really stupid but here goes - i have panic/anxiety since x-mas and had all the usual syptoms, but these are causing me the most worry - chest pain, wheezing, persistant cough, horse voice, pain in my right ribs and constant phlem. i have asked for chest x-rays to no prevail, i have lots of blood test which the doc says if i had any kind of cancer would have shown abnormal cells but i must admit i am still worring about it. doc refuse to send me for a x-ray as they say it's just anxiety. i am also getting alot of bubbly feelings in my chest.

i just wich they would give me a chest x-ray for my paece of mind!!

Any advise would be great.


19-07-06, 13:53
Hi Liz,

Aw hugs for you honey. In the past 3-4 weeks I've diagnosed myself with cancer in my lungs AND every other body part available. I so know hat your going through and sympathise. My doc is fed up looking at me and I've got to the stage I cant even look at the receptionists as I know they think I'm a freak. Please pm me if you want to.

Thinking of you


19-07-06, 13:58
thanks Mandy, i feel like such a hypocondriac (Mmmm) you know what i mean Lol. My husband and my dad just think i'm a total worry wort.


19-07-06, 22:10
hi liz,
i know just where u r coming from. over the last few months i have confinced my self i have got breast cancer. this is because i have been ahching badley in my right rib area. i have had bad breast ache. even tho i have found no lumps or changes i still haven't got it threw to myself i',m ok. i have persistently bugged my doc about this and he says a lot of it is because i'm tensing up. didn't think tensing up could cause rib ache
i too have had loads of blood tests done and all mine have come back ok.
your symptoms sound alot like what i had at the beginning of the year and my doc diagnosed me with acid reflux. he put me on meds for it and alot of my symptoms calmed down.
i hope this helps
all the best

20-07-06, 08:42
can relate the constant phelgm thing, it seems like i have had a chest infection for months....& keepon inspecting the sputum, yuck x