View Full Version : 20mg Prozac + Tinitus!!!?

19-07-12, 16:37
Ok so firstly, i'm on day 27 of my first course of fluoxetine 20mg, and I have to say I really feel like i'm going nowhere fast...although i do get some relief from say 5pm onwards, most of my day is spent just trying to hold it together!? When I wake up the first thing I do is throw up, that feeling stays with me until around 3pm then things slowly recede to some sort of normality and by 5pm I start to feel like myself again...isn't Prozac supposed to work 24/7???

Secondly, a strange side effect I have noticed since taking prozac is tinitus, the ringing in my ears is actually driving me to distraction!!! has anyone ever experienced this on any level?

Kind Regards


19-07-12, 16:59
Hi Rock, The improving in the evenings sounds familiar - what time of day are you taking the Fluoextine? I found it took about 5 weeks to settle down and I tried to take it in the morning or evening with no change in the morning feeling of dread. It's slow to have a positive effect too - about 12 weeks in my case. I get a 'whoosing' sound in my ears but not a typical ringing of tinnitis and have heard of others getting tinnitus when taking SSRI's although I'm not sure if it's a recognised side effect
At 27 days you've seen the worse, you should hope to see some (albeit slow) improvement in the next few weeks
Take Care