View Full Version : worried

19-07-12, 18:08
ive lost 2 st in weight and now am worried not sure if i have ha but i do worry ive got sumthing very wrong with me, ive had blood tests all came bk normal i had to have a stool sample too that was normal too. i do feel sumthings very wrong:weep:

19-07-12, 18:23
Did they check your thyroid levels in your blood tests?

19-07-12, 18:29
yes it came bk normal

19-07-12, 18:40
I am sure the tests would have indicated something was wrong if there was something to be found. Did they do a urine test at all for diabetes (sorry just clutching at straws, but I'm sure they've done all appropriate tests). I can say that on a couple of occasions when I have suffered severe anxiety, I have lost weight simply because I felt too anxious to eat (other way round now, lol, I eat when I feel anxious).

19-07-12, 18:48
no not done urine test

19-07-12, 18:53
Maybe just go back to your GP with a urine sample just to rule that one out, but to be honest you'd have other symptoms as well.

19-07-12, 18:57
am seeing my gp on monday