View Full Version : Is there an equivalent of the "Priory" for people with Ha?

19-07-12, 20:05
I have suffered with HA for the last 4 years after looking after my mum at home while she passed away from lung cancer. since then it has left me with the crippling "fear" of dying from every slight ache, pain,etc. over the past 4 years ive diagnosedmy self with everything and anything , braintumour , blood clots the list is endless. Another trip to the docs today resulted in a UTI (back pain). Im soooooooooooooo tired ansd fedup of this evertime I have a pain, i envisaged my self at the worst, dying in a hospital bed????? It consumes all my thoughts, cant eat cant sleep, cant function !

I just wish I could admit myself somewhere at these times and have someone listen who understands (my other half tries too!). Its all very real and very scary (im still sat here thinking maybe the docs missed something, or is nt telling me the worst) Madness !

Im not on any meds, but maybe I should be or locked up in the looney bin ! xxx

19-07-12, 20:19
Hi, I know what you are going through and how terrifying life feels after going through that. I lost my own mom a year and a half ago to neuroendocrine cancer (quite rare) in her colon and seeing somebody - especially a loved one - pass away from cancer is truly traumatic. I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Since then I am just like you. Every little thing - is that a symptom of cancer or something else deadly? I have trouble trusting doctors.

Once you go through an experience like that, life feels like a very scary place. I am doing treatment for PTSD due to that experience and another trauma I had after. But what you went through truly was a trauma, and now your mind is on constant watch for something dangerous. I know, I am just the same way. It's so hard. Focus on the good, as hard as it is.

19-07-12, 21:05
Oh thanks for youre reply, Im really sorry you went through that experience as well and no I would nt wish it on my worst enemy. I look back on it and think I would nt have had it any other way, I granted my mum her wish of being at home, her last few months. Even with evrything that ive gone through since, panick attacks anxiety.

I had berievemnt councilling and CBT, I have mentioned that I think I have PTSD to family and friendss, but did nt know you could gett help with that. Im gonna discuss it with my doctor in 3 weeks, I cant go through "all this" time after time of getting a pain, cold etc, it's soooooooooo draining !

How do you talk your self out of bad thoughts?? I ve tried distraction, but I still get that wave of overwhelming panick. ! I just wish I could rewind back to when I was normal :((( x