View Full Version : got my holter results today..

19-07-12, 21:54
Went to the see my Doctor very anxiously today to get the results from my 24 hour holter last week -

She said my results showed that my heart's rhythm was good and regular and at the fastest at 11am my heart was going at 141bpm and at the slowest at 4.10am at 44bpm!!
I was really freaked out when she said 44bpm, but she assures me that reading is normal for when you are sleeping and it was a healthy reading. So i reluctantly believe that OK my heart is not going to slow down and then stop :blush:
I averaged 64bpm over the 24 hour period, so the machine calculated.

She said it showed i was getting lots of ectopic beats, she then said she was glad she got me monitored as it was picked up, its been 4 years now I've been back n forth to the doctor with heart worries, well not worries, i would say being petrified and saying i was feeling this and that and for 4 years they have basically told me its all anxiety and nothing at all is wrong with me.
Now i self diagnosed ectopic beats with the help of this site way before the doctors actually listened to me and it finally goes on my notes!!! Rather peeved with that!!
Anyway, the thing is, when i was wearing the monitor i didnt actually feel any ectopic beats like i usually do, not even a flutter! She said that was interesting and said i could get some meds for it which would stop them, i think she said propranofol (sp) but she knows how reluctant i am to take any meds so said that if i didnt feel i could take them and wasnt feeling much of the ectopic beats then i didnt need medication for them, and as they were benign and not harmful at all then i could think about it for a while.

I came away feeling glad of the fact that it was indeed not all in my head, but a bit annoyed too that its taken so long to say for sure what it is................or is it???
As now im thinking, well if i didn't feel any of the ectopic's that the machine picked up then its not ectopic's im actually feeling, its something else, and it must be sinister and the machine didn't pick it up!!
I'm back to square one!!!
Am i going maaaaaaaaaad? :wacko: